Thursday, August 13, 2015

Garden Menu...60º

We have set up a watering schedule for lawn, flowerbeds and veggie garden, using metered city water...The forecast for the next 15 days is in the 80's...We have gotten spoiled with the ditch water, using it whenever the mood strikes or we see something drooping or if the ground seems really dry, when I'm deadheading and digging...Hopefully a regular schedule will keep everything alive and looking decent and won't cost us a fortune to use chlorinated, filtered water!

Yesterday I was watering the garden, gathering the days produce and planned to spread more chips in the cool of the morning, but I was just getting started when the insurance company called to get my info on the "fender bender" of last Saturday...Since I was back in the house and had the paperwork out I decided to quickly make a copy of the estimate that had arrived by email....Printer would not work, said it wasn't connected and my laptop was searching...Grrrrr, it worked the last time I used it!..Finally when I was ready to scream, I gave up, found the number for Canon and was soon talking to "Hazel," a kind, patient lady at tech support...She talked me through the steps to get a printout of what the problem was...Long story short, when our kids installed our new router about a month ago, no one thought about the wireless printer and that it needed to be included...It took maybe 10 minutes and the printer was spitting out all the info that I needed, but by then it was too hot outside to do chips...I had my timer set for two hour intervals to change water and since it is a drip system, I didn't mind watering in the heat of the day.

We had a perfect summer dinner yesterday, parsley, dill, garlic "new" potatoes, zucchini/egg patties with small chunks of sausage in them, cucumber and cherry tomatoes...All fresh from the garden to our table...Soooo Good!...It is almost 7am and if I get moving I can spread chips before the day gets hot...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Zucchini, egg, sausage patties 
(cooking and will be flipped over.)

Garden Produce

Last nights sunset through a smoky haze.

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