Saturday, June 4, 2016


18 our of 30 people showed up for the last night of chips, to eat vegan potluck...We celebrated our last night with vegan food, no caps, gowns or diplomas, just congratulations on a job well done...Everyone who finished the program lost weight, got good results on their blood tests and no one planned to celebrate with a steak dinner or a big juicy hamburger...We had worked too hard to blow it all on a fat, salt, laden meal...Not sure how long that state of mind will last but hopefully we have all developed some new habits and can continue with restraint...The local CHIP group will host a potluck "supper club" every month, to keep people connected and remind them to eat lots of veggies and fruits...People are already signing up for the fall CHIP program.

My numbers again came up encouraging, with cholesterol remaining stable, while I cut my dosage in half, blood pressure down another 10 points and weight down a total of 10 lbs...I lost a bit of the waddle when I walk and look forward to eliminating that completely.

The sun is shining, a glorious day in Wallowa County...Pat and I have yard saling on our mind and after that the lawn and flower beds need to be watered...Herb cleaned the deck yesterday, I have the planters, planted and afternoon it will be time to view the mountain...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Orange Water


Broccoli Salad

Noodles and Stir Fry

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