Saturday, March 30, 2019

Weeks Fly By...32º

We are creatures of habit, stuck in a rut and when our routine is changed, it takes awhile to get back on track...Rusty came to spend the week in Joseph, working on our "Honey Do List," and also volunteered a couple of days at Jim Creek, for the Forest Service...In his spare time, he was at John and Becky's, helping with, getting in the way of a remodeling project.

While he was here I cooked more than usual, making pies and rolls, we celebrated a late St. Patricks day with the usual corned beef dinner, with friends...While here, Rusty and Herb took out the old, over the range, microwave (almost 30 years old), that was making a "bad rattling noise," with a slight possibility that he could fix it...He loves tearing things apart and soon had parts and pieces in a pile on the kitchen table...It soon became apparent that it was not going back together.

I had been struggling for a few weeks, knowing the microwave, needed to be replaced, but found that one similar to what we had was super expensive and wouldn't be what I wanted, even at that cost...So I settled for a small portable microwave, with the possibility of building a shelf over the range for it to sit on...For now it takes up space on the counter, waiting for me to make a decision.

Moving on, Rusty left for home last Monday and we are almost settled back in...Near the end of March, it was time to change from winter tires to summer tires on both of our vehicles, Herb took care of that and also hauled a pickup load of wood, from the back lot to the wood room in our basement...We also had a trip to LG to the eye doctor and two appointments in Enterprise, for him to order and get fitted for new hearing aids...I also had water therapy and food alliance to fill my days...Our meals have consisted of leftover pie, crock pot soup and creamed chicken over biscuits.

Also happening at this time, Cienna was flying home from Chile (we tracked her flight on the computer) and readjusting to life with Mom and Dad in Portland...Now we have a quiet weekend and our rut is again almost comfortable...AND springtime is coming to Wallowa County...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

New microwave

Lemon Meringue Pie

Cherry Pie


  1. Oh such a great post...and that meringue looks PERFECT! Your such an excellent cook. I can almost taste that pie😁😁😄🤗
    Miss you Idella.

  2. I miss you as well, you always added extra life to our swim therapy...thankfully we have a good group and new people, who "fit in," with our crazy bunch...I've always struggled making meringue, think this is my best effort so far..Wishing you happiness in your new home. Hugs, Idella
