Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Daily Posts...58º

My daily blog posts seem to be a thing of the past, as our gardens consume us...With temps in the 80's and 90's, Herb and I are both outside early, tending to the watering, pulling weeds, deadheading, spreading chips while it is cool...By 10am we are back in the house, doors and windows closed tight, keeping the cool air inside...This past week we are reaping the benefits of our labor as we eat stuffed patty pans for dinner, fresh green beans, cucumbers, zucchini patties...Yesterday I picked the first cherry tomato and Herb harvest one huge cabbage to make into coleslaw...Nothing beats fresh produce on the dinner table.

Was it just last week that I spent two12 hour days (including travel time) in a huckleberry patch and more hours over the gas stove (outside) making our winters huckleberry jam and freezing quart bags full for huckleberry pancakes...The old timers are predicting another hard winter and those pancakes will taste so good...I also picked 2 gallons of raspberries at a friends house, more fruit to freeze for smoothies and jam.

Last Sunday I spent a few hours at the 93rd birthday party for our dear friend Margaret...Her family, mostly grandchildren and great grandchildren, who refer to her, with love in their voices as "GG" hosted this event...She is blessed to have such a family and friends from near and far helping her celebrate.

Coming up this weekend is the musical "Wizard of Oz," a group of us will attend the last of the summer musicals on Saturday and they have already announced that "The Adams Family" will be performed in October...These shows always amaze me, as they just get better and better...That's all for today, Hugs to all...OWAV:)

Stuffed Patty Pans


Tate spent the weekend with us.

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