Thursday, November 29, 2018


Yesterday was productive...Early morning I prepped everything for the lasagna and browned the ground bison and Italian sausage in the oven..While it cooked, I mixed a batch of chex mix so it could go in the oven as soon at the ground meat came out...With the oven turned down to 200º, the chex mix roasted itself and I turned my attention to the lasagna...My recipe calls for a 9x12 pan but I can never get enough layers in, or if I do it bubbles over and makes a mess in the oven...So I made two small lasagnas using my largest loaf pans, and set them on a cookie sheet in the oven to bake...It worked well, except my marinara sauce (made from roasted and frozen tomatoes) needed to be a bit thicker, as it was a little soupy...Of course I never let it stand for the required time because by the time it comes out of the oven, the smell is awesome and we are ready to eat...Herb said it was good, as he cleaned up the juice with a spoon...Most people would sop it up with garlic bread but we try to eat only "1 carb" per meal.

Herb had acupuncture in the morning, he really looks forward to that and the sun shone most of the day, a real a mood lifter, I took a short walk before dinner...Late afternoon the fog rolled in and spent the night, Oma's view is very limited this morning...Hugs To All...OWAV:

Lasagna before it went in the oven,
the little marshmallows looking things
are pieces of cheese sticks.

Roasted Chex Mix.

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