Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Turkey...22º

Our family has never been really fond of turkey...Even when I was a child my Mom quite often roasted a chicken or two depending on the size of the crowd...Along side that was her dressing/stuffing (cooked in its' own pan, never stuffed), covered with gravy, along with mashed potatoes, green beans, and her special dinner rolls, we didn't need huge servings of meat...The meal always ended with pumpkin pie, made with extra cream & eggs, (we lived on a farm).

I broke from these traditions when I got married...My new cookbook gave all the directions to prep and stuff a turkey, I thought that was the way a real Thanksgiving Dinner should be...I made two kinds of pie, green bean casserole and struggled to make dinner rolls...The turkey was dry, the dressing soggy...Now 57 years later, I resort to the roasted chicken, sausage dressing made with rustic bread, and a green salad...Pumpkin pie is still a staple.

One of our best turkeys, when we celebrated "Thanksmas" with our kids was this chocolate turkey, he was the centerpiece for our dinner...As the sun set that afternoon, we noticed that the turkey had softened in the sunshine, so we dipped fruit, marshmallows, pretzels, cookies in the melted chocolate and had turkey dessert!..Traditional Thanksgiving dinners are a thing of the past...Our kids are celebrating Thanksgiving at their respective homes, making memories of their own, as we send Holiday greetings from afar...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thanksgiving Turkey, pure Chocolate, from a few years ago.

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