Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sewing Project...41º windy/light rain

We had wind through the night but it wasn't the continual hard gusts that can blow off roofs, upend storage sheds and raise general havoc...With the warm temperature though it melted most of the accumulated snow and left us with the "grungy look" of winter...I have to look hard to see the beauty in the dry, brown foliage of winter...Thankfully we  still have the view of the snow-covered mountain range to the west...Forecast is still saying possible snow today and continued wind.

Yesterday Pat arrived with her usual smile and dark eyes sparkling...Sometimes those dark eyes snap as she, a no nonsense person and very organized, has a hard time when other people don't keep up their end of the bargain...I like this about her because she makes me laugh when she says, "But Della, why can't they just do it!"...We get right to the sewing project that she brings...She navigates the stairs to my sewing room, remember she had knee surgery just a month ago, and we begin...After a minor/major change in plans she sews and I press seams...We are making pillow shams to complement the bedspread that already covers her king size bed...About half way through we switch roles, me sewing and she pressing...We work steadily for about 2 hours, laughing, talking, pinning, pressing, ripping out seams and finish up with the tops of the pillow shams done...We quit for the day and with renewed vigor will begin again today working on the backs of the shams...Pat really wanted the shams finished yesterday because she had guests coming for dinner and had planned to have not only the new bedspread in place, but also the shams to give the bedroom the finished look that she envisions...These things are important to Pat but I doubt that her guests were  disappointed in the "unfinished bed" as they were graciously welcomed into Pat and Brian's cosy "cabin" and dined on the scrumptious dinner that awaited them.

Our friendship endures the differences in our personalities and I find myself wanting to organize my life and household just a bit more with her influence...maybe Pat will relax a little into the slower lifestyle of Wallowa County but never will she loose that sparkle or the occasional snap in her eyes and her drive to get things done!

On that note I had better get moving because the "whirling dervish" will be here soon and I know that she would really like to finished that project today!...Hugs to all.....OWAV:)

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