Friday, July 18, 2014

Productive...51º Brrr

If only I could accomplish as much every morning as yesterday...6:30am, Herb was adjusting water so I started in the garlic patch of 200 plants...Most of them could be pulled up but a few had to be loosened with the potato fork, all were slightly moist and the dirt came free from the roots easily...The heads were all still firm and most are quite large...I can see where the inside plants could have used a little more water but overall it is a bountiful crop...I counted out 12 to a bunch and Herb hung them to dry in the lean-to...200 heads of garlic to share with family and friends.

Ready to hang.

Admiring our crop

Garlic done by 8am I had time to spread alfalfa pellets and two wheelbarrow loads of composted llama manure to amend this spot for next years planting of anything but garlic!..This done, I had just enough time to shower and make it to the Wallowa County Museum for my 3 hour volunteer stint...20 people visited the museum while I was there.

Home to fix dinner and rest (I was wiped out), then rejuvenated, Herb and I took in the weekly music at the Gazebo in Enterprise...It was a lovely evening, in spite of the wind..Back home on our deck we watched the smoke drift over the top of Chief Joseph Mountain as the helicopters flew near our house to land at the Joseph Airport...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Smoke over Chief Joseph Mountain

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