Thursday, May 5, 2016

Changing Weather....43º

Weather forecast is calling for thunder storms, cooling temperatures, but not much measurable rain, over the next 5 days...Although some of the thunder storms could really dump, with wind, hail and rain...Seems like they try to cover all the bases, nothing mentioned about possible snow.

We've had perfect days to work outside, flowerbeds looking good, daffies almost done blooming, onions planted and we have a nice pile of manure out back, just waiting to be used...Photos below of the latest blooms...I'm off this morning to have blood work done after one month on the CHIP program...Will have results in a week...Don't really know what to expect...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Fern Peony

Crab Apple


Last nights water pitcher

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the blood draw. Love the crab apple pic!
