Monday, February 6, 2017

Crazy Wind...38º

Mid afternoon yesterday the wind started blowing hard...It had been gentle, then gusty most of the day melting snow, the water running off the roof, ice dams disappeared...But not too long before dark the wind started blowing really hard and continued into the night...It shook the house, rattling windows and doors...Over the years we have learned to keep things cleaned up on our property, have cut down large trees, after the wind blew the tops out of them, a warning...We have survived some hellacious wind storms, but still consider ourselves lucky as it is nothing compared to a tornado.

It is calm this morning, snow melted by half, looking very dirty and forlorn...Ice is still covering every surface and streets are a foot deep in slush...City crews have been working nights and weekends trying to make the streets at least passable...We have snow/rain forecast for today...Luckily we have no reason to leave our house and maybe by tomorrow I can get to water therapy...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. Might have to swim in the streets! Funny how in one form water is a demon but in another a relief..... guess I could say that about a lot of stuff though.... have a good day, be safe. oxoxo
