Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Frustration Plus...44º

Sunday, when Herb's facebook page insisted that he had to put in a password to access his page, I spent hours trying to figure out what was going on...We did a new password, put in a code and the heading of the page would come on but it wouldn't load the rest of the page...We shut the iPad down, restarted, multiple times and still it was there but it would not load on his iPad...Finally after hours and hours of frustration, searching the internet for a solution and looking at what they bill as the "new FB," on my Mac book Air,  I think that it doesn't work on his old iPad, ( that they automatically decided he was supposed to use!) and they don't seem to give him a choice...On the Mac book air, I can click a little arrow and go back to the classic FB, but I can't find that option on the iPad...I have an enquiry into support, not much faith in getting an answer from them.

The only other thing I did on Sunday was make a rhubarb pie and cook a beef roast, while Herb vacuumed and did laundry.

Pie ready for the oven,
it was delicious.

Needless to say I don't have all the garden planted yet...One of the things i've never liked about gardening is "thinning" as the new seeds sprout and come up in overcrowded rows...Several years ago I started mixing carrot seed with sand and broadcasting them into a 4X8 rectangle, that works well and we harvest lots of nice big carrots, with no thinning...Other things, I like to have in rows...So last night I decided to make seed strips of chard, beets and arugula...Tissue paper cut into strips, Elmers glue and seeds.
Seed packets and 1st strip of beets.

Seed strips

I will get these planted today and hope it works...I have the ground ready for the carrot rectangle, which after I broadcast the seed, I have to cover it with mosquito netting to keep the quail from digging in it and rearranging the seeds!..Did I say, I love to garden? 😀...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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