Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Little noticed plants...55º

I always think of hosta plants growing in the shade to fill in where nothing else will grow...Their foliage is attractive all summer long and they grow with no boundaries...The blooms can be quite nondescript...This year I have three small plants that are blooming like crazy, saying "Look at me!"...I don't know why they haven't grown!..Not sure where I was going with this, other than it is the only photo, I have to post. 😉

Blooming Hosta

After months of seeing very little of each other, Pam and I have fallen into a twice/regular Tuesday afternoon visit...She spends Tuesdays in an office counting money from the campgrounds that she cleans...Not her favorite part of the job, so she comes here to relax, eat and drink, our favorite passtime...We still practice social distancing, trying to do our part in not spreading "Covid," if one or the other of us happens to have been exposed...We are really missing our long car trips out of the county and struggling with the fact that our yearly huckleberry picking probably won't happen...Will Covid never end?!!!

Things to do today, that i've talked about but haven't accomplished are touchup work on the deck and thinning the apple tree and the never ending, "What are we having for dinner?"...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

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