Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More relaxing day...52ª

I have a lymph massage scheduled for this morning, so not much outside work today...Trying to decide if I want to brave Safeway or leave it for later in the week...Lymph massages are great for boosting the immune system, a good idea as the covid 19 cases keep growing...In Oregon we are now asked (mandated) to not only wear masks in public buildings but also in outside areas where people can't keep a social distance, such as city sidewalks, etc...Thankfully Herb and I can choose the times that we mingle with the crowds of summer.

Pam and I spent a peaceful evening on the deck last night, with a glass of wine and our lovely view...As usual the topic of conversation was about her job (cleaning Forest Service campgrounds, not easy with the Covid pandemic and all the precautions, they have to take to protect themselves.)..On a lighter note we always talk about our love of flowers and gardens and the joy they bring us...Pam and my friend Willa were instrumental in getting me started in the joys of gardening...Sending me home with starts, seeds and bulbs and encouraging me to dig and plant, when I wanted to sit and read a book...Many thanks to both of them.

My Mother was a gardener, so I have the gardening genes, and in her later years we gardened together and I learned to enjoy her as well as gardening...I have a sage plant, like the one she always had and I harvest and dry sage to keep along with other herbs and spices in the kitchen...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

What she called "tame sage."  Different
from the wild sagebrush that
she made into a bitter tea,
that she drank for medicinal
purposes...I never 
learned to like that!..

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