Sunday, November 7, 2021

It was a fun day...26º

 Herb and I did a quick once over on the house yesterday morning...Dust, Vacuum, mop, scour and pick up the clutter!...Sue and Wally arrived about 11am...We met them with smiles and hugs all around...For the next two hours we talked, non stop, laughed a lot as we reminisced about other days, other visits...Wally grew up in Wallowa county, graduated from high school in Enterprise, got married, and started working at Bank of Wallowa County/Community Bank, as a teller, right out of high school...She got fired from that job (the story is too long to go into here) but basically that was back in the late 70's and her boss didn't think much of women in the work force, who also wanted to have babies!..Shortly after that her husband got a job in LaGrande and she got a job with a bank there...Next year she will retire from Banner Bank after almost 40 years in the banking world...Mr. Alexander, (the one that fired her) only lasted about 6 months with Bank of Wallowa County before he was fired, by the then owners of the bank "Cheatum and Steele." that is another story.

We drove to the lake, enjoyed a great lunch at the "Blithe Cricket" in Joseph and the girls were on their way back to LaGrande by 3pm, a rainstorm in progress...It was a great day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Sue always brings me new hand towels for the kitchen and Wally still has flowers in her gardens...They brought some to share.

A bouquet from Wally's garden


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