Saturday, March 23, 2024

A Long Break...Possible rain/snow, 42º

 Taking a break always sounds like a good idea, but then I find it difficult to start writing again...Sharing my memories of life long ago is fun for me and seems to be entertaining for my readers...As I talked to friends and they related their childhood, I've come to realize that I was indeed lucky/blessed to have the upbringing that I did. 

To have unconditional love, a safe haven at home, the best homegrown, homemade food, a clean house and healthy environment, living on a small farm...We all worked hard, never went on a vacation, but I had the freedom of walking, riding a bike or horse with abandon, 400 acres was my playground...My restraints were, up by 5:30am to milk the cows and be home ready to milk cows again at 5:30pm.

The summers were filled with farming the ground and harvesting the crops, that took all of the daylight hours...Summers also included relatives visiting, farm style dinners, a table laden with food to feed the haying crew, swimming/bathing in Boulder Creek to wash away the itchy hay chaff...After a super of bread and milk, we fell into a bed between line dried sheets, to refresh our bodies for another day.  

Winters were endless days of shoveling snow, feeding animals and keeping barns clean, (shoveling manure) hauling wood to keep our house warm...The smell of fresh baked bread, cinnamon rolls, greeted us after a long day...Sometimes pies topped off with our own whipped cream was a special occasion ...For many years we heated water, filled a round tub in the middle of the kitchen floor, for our weekly bath before we snuggled between those freeze dried sheets, and slept the night away breathing in that smell, that no one can reproduce!..Fun playing in the mountainous snow was a team of horses hooked to a bobsled, with us sitting on hay bales, wrapped in blankets, we skimmed over fences, breathing frozen air, with frosty eyebrows and red noses...It was and idyllic childhood, that I am forever thankful for.  Hugs To All...OWAV:) 

Random photos, Lake Fork, Idaho...In the shadow of Jughandle mountain.

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