Thursday, March 28, 2024

Winter Returns...30º

 Keeping positive thoughts that the sun will break through a few times today...Wallowa County always has a difficult time getting in Spring Mode...It is a good think that spring flowers are resilient!

Yesterday was a busy day for me, grocery shopping first, acupuncture, then blood draw to test my thyroid, then home to put groceries away and prep veggies before putting them in the fridge.

Blood draws are always a bit sketchy for me, depending on the latest phlebotomist, that maybe needs more practice, or the familiar smiling face as J.....a greets me...I breath a sigh of relief...I've started taking precautions before going to the lab, after years of repeat pokings, trying to find a vein that produces blood...My acupuncture friends assist me in this endeavor...I take a surgical glove (bought many years ago at a yard sale) and give it to Terry, who, after my acupuncture treatment, fills it with hot water and ties a knot...I manage to hold this "Jiggley" thing on my hand (where my best vein is) drive a mile, check in and by then my veins are warm and begging to be poked!..Hugs to All  OWAV:)

I went looking for a bitmoji of a blood draw and came up with a "Bloody Mary."  Maybe i'll try that next time instead of the "Jiggley glove."  I'll bet Nathan can make a "Wicked Bloody Mary."

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