Saturday, June 14, 2014


Yesterday morning was stormy looking, a perfect day for inside work and also a perfect day to water flowerbeds...Enough water in the irrigation ditch to run a pump in the pasture and also in the yard...Outside I set the sprinkler as the sun peaked through the clouds...I couldn't resist doing a litte deadheading and marking irises to be moved later, then a few columbines were looking for a new home and before I realized it two hours had passed, the sprinkler needed to be moved and a storm was inching down the mountain...Not knowing how long the storm would last I left the sprinkler on and went inside...We had a nice soaking rain and about 1pm turned off the sprinklers...Rain off and on will continue through Wednesday, then hopefully it will dry off and warm up so the farmers can start the hay harvest.

Warmer, drier weather would also be nice for us because Bobi and Cienna arrive here on Tuesday night for ten day visit and Rusty will come from Yakima, Washington for a long weekend...We have catching up to do since their last visit and we will also spend much time "hugging Cienna" :), before she leaves in August for a year in Thailand...Also Rusty's 49th birthday will call for a celebration and everyone thinks that "lemon meringue pie" will taste better than birthday cake!..Should be easy with all the extra help in the kitchen!

Herb started a fire this morning...I will spend this day inside, maybe cleaning upstairs, a pile of mending is waiting at the sewing machine but I also have a stack of books sitting beside my chair and Angry Birds has a new update...Dinner is an easy corn fritters and ham and maybe the sun will peak through long enough to gather a bouquet and snap a photo or two...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Grapes just starting to form

Cucumbers are sprouted and growing.

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