Sunday, June 22, 2014

Honey Do's...45º

Yesterday morning on Barton Heights resembled a hive of bees...Herb was working on a new set of steps leading to the deck, then he had lawns to mow, and garbage to haul...I pointed out a few limbs that needed to be removed from trees and Rusty with the extension pruning saw had limbs scattered on the deck, lawn and driveway...Bobi and Ci were madly hauling the limbs out to the sheep and lama where the leaves were quickly striped and eaten...I called a halt to the pruning while we still had some shade left and everyone took a break, helped themselves to toast, ham, cherries or whatever they could find for breakfast.

Bob got a lamb roast in the oven preparing for our dinner of Gyros...Rusty helped Herb finish the steps before he made the dump run...Then it was time for Bob to reconfigure Herb's iPad so it was truly his instead of mine that he inherited...I'm not sure what I was doing all this time, other than wandering around in a daze, watering, deadheading and feeling incredibly lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful family...We finished up the evening playing "Hand and Foot" and viewing the summer solstice sunset from our kitchen window...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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