Thursday, May 7, 2015


The perfect day for baking, so I started early with my favorites chocolate chip cookies...Mixing a double batch then adding milk & vanilla chips to half of the batch and semi-sweet chips to the other half...I used the recipe with cream cheese, which stays very soft, so you have to be careful and not add more flour...Theses stay puffed up on the pan (don't spread out) and remain soft, UNLESS, you miss hearing the timer and overcook them...So we had one pan that Herb said he would eat even if they were a bit scorched on the bottom, another pan that I labeled crunchy, that will be perfect dunked in milk or coffee and the rest are soft like the recipe promised...As usual when I have all the ingredients out, bowls dirty and flour strewn everywhere, I think, "May as well make another batch."..I soon had a double batch of oatmeal, raisin dough mixed up with cream cheese added...All told I finished with about 10 dozen cookies bagged and ready for the freezer, meatloaf and potatoes baking in the oven by 1:30...I was wiped out!..Herb helped by sampling the dough and then with the cleanup, licking the beaters and scraping the bowls before loading the dishwasher...What a guy!

The afternoon passed quickly, as I finished listening to a book, worked on jigsaw puzzles on the computer, while listening (always multi-tasking) and was ready for bed by 8:30...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Choc Chip

Raisin/craisin Oatmeal

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