Monday, May 4, 2015

Easy Sunday...39º

Herb and I were both outside early yesterday, he moving chips off of the pile and I using the roundup sparingly on grass and dandelions that have crept into the flower beds...This morning I will spread chips to mulch the edges and bare spots that show up in the spring...While deadheading the daffies I pulled volunteer maple trees that spring up everywhere!

I'm really itching to plant more seeds in the veggie garden and have to keep reminding myself that it is only the first part of May...I have planted lettuce, chard, arugula, radishes and spinach...I use plastic gallon jugs as mini green houses to get the seeds to sprout and grow quickly...I will plant a row this morning of peas and radishes mixed, hoping that when I pull the radishes it will give the peas more room to grow and since they are considered cool weather crops neither will freeze...:)

I fixed one of my favorite dinners, beef stroganoff, yesterday using the leftover short ribs...Diced the meat, added onion, mushrooms, roasted tomatoes and wine, to the rich brown gravy that was also left over...Left it to simmer while enjoying the sunny deck, where I listened to a book...Mixed a 2 egg batch of noodles and left them drying on the counter...When it was time for dinner the noodles cooked quickly in boiling water, I added sour cream to the beef and topped the noodles, salad on the side...I think there is enough leftover for breakfast...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Noodles without

Noodles with, Yummy!

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