Monday, January 11, 2016

Finding Our Groove...5º

Bobbi Jo and Rusty experienced the usual emotions of moving and leaving behind the only friends that they had ever known...They were excited and scared but ready to give it their all...Going to school as the new kid on the block is not easy and of course all schools have their own dynamics; Pecking order, bullies, friendly kids, leaders and followers and cliques...Not sure that I gave the kids any advice, other than just try to be friendly to everyone and things will all work out and of course mind the teacher and your manners AND come straight home from school...Do not go to a friends house!...Do not stop at the Candy Store!...The schools were within walking distance and it was with apprehension that I waved goodbye and watched them disappear down the hill, out of sight and saw them again after they had crossed the Barton Heights foot bridge crossing over the Wallowa River, out of sight again as they proceeded to main street...Bobbie Jo 10, was responsible enough to get Rusty 7, to his school before walking a few more blocks to the middle/high school where her classes were...

Things seemed to go okay and I pumped the kids each day when they arrived home, asking about teachers, homework, possible friends and asked them to please find out the "new friends" last names so I could check them out...Don't all mothers do this?..Bobbie jo's birthday was coming up so we planned an afternoon party on that day, inviting all of her class to come to our house, play a game of softball in our pasture and have cake and ice cream...(Did we really do this Bob or did I dream this one?)

I had made the decision upon leaving Duchesne that I wasn't going to jump in and join clubs, including PTA, Womans Clubs, Service Clubs Etc...I would pick and choose carefully...Before fall arrived that year I was a Cub Scout leader and also volunteered to help with the Girl Scouts, but I stuck to my guns when asked to join PTA, Young Mothers, Sororities and other service organizations...I had been there, done that and hated the politics involved in all...Actually the Scouting jobs were short lived for me as well.

We were adjusting to our new house, the kids loved the stairway and their upstairs rooms, away from the rest of the house...Herb had repaired the leaky faucets and we talked to the landlords about furnishing the paint, if we did the painting...Summer was coming and we could deal with things until the winter months arrived and see what happened then...Plus we were only going to live here for a short time, until the next transfer or maybe start looking for a house to buy as the Hayes' planned to move back here when he retired..I checked the Wallowa County Chieftain every week, looking at houses for rent and houses for sale...I even made appointments and looked at some of them...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we had a big softball game in the back field. Don't know about cake and ice cream, though.
