Saturday, September 29, 2018

Soap Box...42º

For the past several months I, like everyone else have watched the political signs materialize like stars on a clear night in July...They are one of the many things that now put a blight on our landscape...Thirty years ago when I still worked at school, we all did our part to pass a bond to remodel or rebuild...One thing that has always stayed in my mind is the admonishment..DO NOT PUT SIGNS in the Public Right of Way!

So this year as the election moves into the last two months, the signs multiply overnight, like measles in an epidemic, with each one trying to outdo the other, getting bigger and closer to the highway...What happened to "public right of way?"...This law/rule/mandate has been in effect for at least 30 years and now the very people who are in charge of making said policy are breaking the rules...Do they not KNOW or do they just have a blatant disregard, because they are above the law?

I was pleasantly surprised just yesterday, when I heard that odot was driving along highway 82 north of Joseph, pulling each sign and unceremoniously throwing them one by one into the truck and hauling them off!

End of rant...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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