Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Rain is imminent...47º

Blustery overnight, trees dropping their multi colored leaves, covering grass and flowerbeds...Herb is out early mornings, with the riding mower, mowing and bagging the chopped leaves...Many people pile leaves and burn them or haul them to the dump...I spent yesterday afternoon, layering the chopped leaves with straw and alfalfa pellets, then topped with a layer of well aged manure...It will compost over the winter and come spring, it is ready for seeds/starts to be planted...I have 5 raised beds, that I rotate plus a couple of small spaces, next to the fence, that I plan to try straw bale gardening next summer...I dug more carrots, (amazed at the size) and will dig more today, before we cover what is left with straw, and if the gophers don't get them, we will eat this winter.

We plan to finish up with the garden this week and probably work on drying garlic and making applesauce and freeze a few apples for winter pies...Then there are windows to be washed, gutters cleaned of leaves, as we transition from fall to winter...Snow can come early to our valley, so we work at being prepared...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

An Autumn Wonderland:


Red Maple in summer,
orange in fall. 

Japanese Maple, almost iridescent.

A blanket of Autumn leaves.

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