Saturday, December 18, 2021

Christmas 1966 Wrap-up...23º

We ended the trip with more celebrating...I know we visited and had dinner with Dad's relatives, his brother Henry, wife Mable as well as a large gathering, with his niece, Barbara and her family.                                 

I remember wonderful food,
laughter and love all around.

Sonny and Doris invited Herb and I to join them, at their annual New Years' celebration...It was an evening that included dinner, drinking, dancing and noise makers as we rang in the New Year, 1967.

Packing and repacking, making sure we didn't leave anything behind kept us busy for the last few days...Herbs family had entertained us beyond all our expectations...A Christmas to remember.

Rusty found entertainment on the
 stairway...Usually to come down
he turned over on his belly 
and slid down, much better
than head first!
Bobbi Jo got a doll for Christmas.

Bobbi Jo got a doll from Dads' cousin, Marie, she had never been much for dolls, but loved this one...After Christmas it came out in the paper that this doll could be combustable and should be turned into the local fire department to be disposed of...In our infinite wisdom, instead of telling her the truth, we made up some kind of story that it got mixed up with trash and must have ended up in the garbage...Years later when the truth came out, she was not happy with us...I guess the moral is that even little children handle the truth, better than a lie...Hugs To All...OWAV:) 



  1. I wondered if you would write about the doll. As I remember it, I was told that I lost it some where. Maybe that little white lie made me take better care of my future toys as I don't remember "misplacing" another. haha

  2. Maybe, but as I remember, you were always quite careful, when it came to taking care of your belongings...Thanks again for fixing my blog, it was fun writing this and looking back at photos...Sending love, Mom
