Sunday, May 20, 2012

Imnaha Again...45º

A small part of our bountiful lunch
The "Write People" have been planning this trip for almost a year now...Janie kept saying, "We have to go to my new place near Imnaha, in the spring. We can sit by the river and write." We chose the date, May 18th and the weather cooperated..."You bring lots of food", she said...And we did...Along with assorted drinks.

We carpooled dropping over 2000 feet, followed the winding road into the canyon, arriving shortly before noon and of course took a brief tour...She forewarned us about rattlesnakes and sure enough we saw one slither across the lawn and toward the river...We inspected every nook and cranny of the cabin, from the pantry through the kitchen, living room and bedrooms...Janie has furnished the cabin with family and yard sale treasures...Then we peaked in the outbuildings, viewed the orchard and followed a path across the river to the community garden and looked over Janie's 14 acres of fertile river bottom, rising to craggy rimrocks above...The sky loomed overhead, sun shinning brightly with a few clouds thrown in.

View from the kitchen sink

We spent the afternoon doing what we usually do, eating, drinking, laughing, talking and yes writing and reading...Only today with the sound of "Big Sheep" roaring by, filled with spring runoff...A Chickadee entertained us with its coming and goings as it built it nest in our midst.


Late afternoon some of us packed up to return "up top" (Joseph) while the others stayed, making themselves at home, sleeping bags rolled out in the bedroom or maybe under the stars near the river...Someone else will have to tell that part of the story....Hugs..  OWAV:)

P.S.  I have to add bigger photo's of my writing friends, I hope they don't mind.

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