Thursday, May 1, 2014

Perfect Spring Day...43º

Mild temperatures, blue skies, dandelions bursting into bloom and quail scurrying around our property, scouting out places for nests...Early morning found Herb and I cleaning leaves from the irrigation ditch...It is a tedious job, made easier when two people work at it...The leaves were piled on our vegetable garden for a layer of mulch and later grass clippings were added...This morning I will throw llama manure on top...This is a form of "lasagna gardening" where the layers will compost over the summer and this fall we will plant garlic for next years harvest.

I left Herb to finish the ditch and mow the lawn while I met Pat for our morning walk, again at Iwetemlaykin Park...After our walk on this spectacular day it was back home to start dinner and spend the rest of the day soaking up rays on the deck...It looks like more of the same today as well as a trip to a greenhouse where Pat has a certificate to spend.

I'm thinking I should feel a bit guilty for hours spent sitting, basking in the sun and savoring the view but I think not...There are two few of these days to enjoy and I must take advantage of them!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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