Tuesday, October 14, 2014

OH The "Lovely" Wind...56º

Woke up early morning with the wind gusting, then calm, just long enough to doze off when another gust rattled the windows and wind chimes and upset flower pots on the front porch...Gave up on sleeping at 3:30 and got up to start the coffee machine, do scrabble, cruise Facebook and read a short blog from Cienna...She is alive and well, having the time of her life in Thailand but having problems loading her photo's onto her computer.

Yesterday morning I worked outside redoing a flowerbed after Rusty dug out an old stump and Herb loaded and dumped two wheelbarrow loads of fresh dirt...I transplanted a few coneflowers and beebalm and have daffodil bulbs to plant this morning...My afternoon was spent as a docent at the Josephy Center.

I have my first "water therapy" session this morning...Trying this out on my knee, twice a week for the next three weeks, in hopes it will help to make it more stable...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Photo for today is of a Catfaced Spider residing on our deck..

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