Friday, June 3, 2011


Fresh snow on the mountains, but sun is peaking through and supposed to be warmer today, tomorrow, maybe even Sunday...Could we be so lucky?

I'm going to start a batch of bread today, plant the planter boxes on the deck, maybe the garden will be dried out enough by Sunday to plant potatoes and squash etc...If I'm still alive after getting wood...I roasted soup bones and oxtail yesterday, with celery and onions...should make a good base for a hearty soup served with fry bread this afternoon...

Herb and I went to Enterprise yesterday in hopes that the weather would clear enough to sit in the car and listen to the first music performance of the season...The temperature hovered around 50° and breezy...still threatening rain so they moved it to Stage One...We decided to come home as we prefer the outside venue and will go again next week...Weather so bad that only three booths were set up for the Farmers Market...Spring in Wallowa County...OH JOY!

My friend Marion stopped by yesterday to pick up a pound of asparagus...She had time, so we visited as we walked through the garden...Marion is 88 years young...still a strikingly beautiful lady, both inside and out...Recently she has been going through chemo treatments... putting on a brave front and staying active...She is admired by many of her younger friends, me included...She loves gardening, cooking, and playing cards with her wide circle of friends...Always the first to volunteer when a job needs to be done.

I must get started on my day, bathroom to clean, food to fix for tomorrows wood gathering...I'm always in charge of the lunch, that way I don't have to work so hard doing the wood...I can build a fire and pretend that I'm working on lunch...even if it is tuna sandwiches...Hope the sun is shinning in your world today... OWAV:)

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