Thursday, June 9, 2011


Fresh snow on the mountain, this 9th day of June...sunshine in the valley...I'm remembering a time fifty years ago...Today is Herbs 74th birthday...Herb said this morning that he doesn't feel a day older---than 104...aches and pains included.

How did he or we, get this old?..seems like it happened all at once...We were young, then all of a sudden we are senior changing colors, arthritis setting in, wrinkles take over, skin sags, cholesterol goes up, our step loses it's spring, takes at least three minutes to move after standing or sitting...all of these these things cause our blood pressure to rise..How did this happen?..was it when we became Mom and Dad, retired, became Oma and Papa...Why, is it still a young person that looks into the mirror, but an old person stares back, mimicking our every move, shadowing our every step...invading our very being...

Consolations...Love from two fine grown up children, who spend time with us on a regular basis... asking what can we do to help?...lightening our load whenever possible...always giving granddaughter bringing joy, love and laughter into our lives...Oh and don't forget, all of the senior discounts awaiting us...all we have to do is spend your inheritance to qualify.

Our "We 3" writing group got off to a good start...We now have a schedule and a goal... Write, Write, Right!!.for the next six months...then reevaluate.

Daylight is burning, so I better get moving while the sun is shining...Still have a load of manure to unload, the "Guys" say, "You wanted the manure, now you unload it"...I still have garden to plant and more flowers to get into pots...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Uncle Herb...and you are old!!!! but I love you anyway.
