Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Patty's Plum is bloomin'...06/29/11...5am...cloudy

Patty's Plum
Two years ago I ordered, on special, two new Oriental Poppies, Patty's Plum and Pink Picotee...This year each of them have put on five buds...Yesterday it happened, Patty's Plum opened...It is absolutely breath taking!.. Photo doesn't do it justice...Now I anxiously await the Picotee...Poppies are one of my favorites plus the deer aren't attracted to them…I've also learned how to propagate them through root cuttings, as the hybrids don't come back true to seed…It is fun and easy!

I will have new peonies blooming this year for the first time…I await those with bated breath…This morning I've been looking at Iris collections from "Schreiner's Iris Gardens"…I have a spot for a new bed and they start shipping in July…

The ever changing garden...Now I understand why my Mother made the comment at age 85 after a day working in her garden..."Oh Della, if I was just ten years younger." (I would have wished for at least twenty.)  Now I'm the one wishing for the ten years younger as my knees don't like me kneeling on them and my back doesn't like bending over from the waist for any length of time...The more perennials that I can plant the less planting and bending I will have to do later...

French Lilac
Last but not least another favorite in my garden is the "French Lilac Tree"...This tree was old when we moved here thirty eight years ago, so I'm thinking it is now over sixty years old and still blooming...I have managed to get a start off of it and that start is now a good sizes bush, also blooming.  

Yesterday, niece Diane brought a friend from Seaside, Oregon to visit our gardens...She was amazed at all the perennials that I have and we spent an enjoyable afternoon walking around the yard, then sitting on the deck drinking a beer and visiting.

Tonight we have a Mule Days planning meeting here, so must get going, move water outside and clean house inside...~OWAV:)))

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