Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Garlic Again...34º

Remember yesterday when I said our house had an "odoriferous" (I like this word) aroma, well it continued for two days...Becky walked in yesterday and said, "It smells so good in here." Not all people feel that way and I'm not sure what Herb and I smell like when we leave the house and go out in public...I haven't noticeably seen anyone repelled by the fragrance that clings to our clothing and hair, although the hugs at Write People yesterday might have been a little quicker than usual but I just thought people were distracted for whatever reason.

Herb has become the official peeler and dryer of the garlic...Years ago after sharing the garlic with friends, neighbors and family,  we hung the garlic in the cellar and used what we could before it started to sprout and get soft, come spring...Now we save a small portion to use fresh and dry the remainder...It is very good, quick to use, tastes like real garlic (not like the powdered garlic from the store with preservatives added)...Photos below show some of the process.

Garlic peeled and ready for the cuisinart
to slice in very thin slices.

Garlic when it comes out of the dryer

Now we let it sit for a few days, stirring it around occasionally making sure all of the moisture has been removed...It breaks/snaps easily with your fingers...Then it goes back into the cuisinart for a final processing to a granular/powder that can be stored at room temperature, I think forever...But it will be all gone by this time next year and the process starts all over again...Quick Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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