Saturday, January 16, 2021

Dreary day turned sunny...24deg

Our day started off with a few minutes devoted to what I will call from now on, “The Mean Machine,” in the basement…Breakfast came next, then Herb feeling good decided on a short walk outside and continued to exercise by throwing wood into the basement wood room…He was on a roll.

I on the other hand, did the usual household chores…I’ve been trying to use up “stuff” in the refrigerator  freezer and a bag of frozen bananas jumped out at me…Its been awhile since we had banana bread…Four small loaves soon cooled on the kitchen counter and the smell beckoned Herb and I to sample.

Moving right along, Tuesday, when I made bread I saved out a pound of dough, letting it age in the fridge…Now I stretched it into a pizza crust, covered with plastic, left it to proof for several hours, while I  mixed cream, fresh lemon juice and garlic to simmer, browned sausage, diced frozen roasted tomatoes, sliced onion, olives, artichokes, red pepper and grated cheese.

Mid afternoon, I layered all the above on the crust, baked for 20 minutes, Pam joined us and we feasted on pizza and crudités dipped in blue cheese dressing…Dreary outside but good food inside…Hugs to All…OWAV:)

It was very good.

Ready for the oven.

Not much leftover.

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