Friday, September 29, 2023

A Job Well Done..39º Still dark outside

The garden was calling again yesterday, chilly but sunny, perfect working weather...Actually I stayed in the warm house and separated cloves of garlic from their main stem, placing 20 of the largest cloves in a berry basket, filling 10 baskets, equated to 10 rows of garlic, 200 garlics next summer.                     

Berry Basket

While I was doing this, Rusty was in the garden, taming the squash vines, chopping them up to go onto a garden bed, so they can mulch into the ground for next years planting...He also loosened some of the soil in the soon to be garlic bed, (recently vacated by the potatoes)...Planting the garlic has always been my job, (Herb, for many years hoed the furrows to plant in)...Since my balance has gotten worse and I can't get on my knees, these jobs have been passed down to Rusty...I'm just there to watch and make sure the rows are deep enough and straight, just like my Mom taught me...Rusty takes my bossing in stride and makes the furrows, plants the garlic, scatters it with alfalfa pellets, covers it with mulched straw and covers that with fencing panels, so the quail can't dig everything up...Whew, I'm exhausted!

Hugs To All...OWAV:)

I've just spent an hour trying to get a berry basket photo to post on this blog...My neighbor, Jane, told me the proper name was a Halleck, Hallock, something like that...It seems to be a western term.


  1. Diane said we need to plant our garlic between this weekend and when we come to see you. Only chance for sure. So blessed she is my friend❤️

    1. She is right, we used to wait until October, got caught in a snowstorm one year, been planting in September every since..LOL..
