Friday, September 1, 2023

Getaway Day...48º possible rain

 It was a getaway, celebrate, memory day...I fixed the sandwiches and veggies, Pam brought the drinks and chocolate...We left Enterprise about 10am headed for the Lostine Canyon...Over the past 35 years, we have picked huckleberries, looked for mushrooms, took our grandchildren there to play in the river, cooked hobo dinners in the campfire. toasted marshmello's for S'mores, and just enjoyed the serenity of the canyon, along side the river.

The last few years changes have been made up the canyon, major thinning along the road to open the views on either side and reduce the fire danger...It is a beautiful canyon with many campgrounds, as well as trailheads, where people can hike or ride horseback to explore the high lakes that are secluded in the Eagle Caps...For eight years now Pam has worked summers (with different crews) for the Forest Service maintaining and cleaning campgrounds from Bear Creek, Lostine, Hurricane Creek, Buckhorn, Red Hill, Hat point, the Imnaha Corridor and Twin Lakes...She knows the names of all the camping spots and trail heads.

Lostine River, with its improved road, (much smoother ride) seemed the perfect place to celebrate her birthday...We drove to the end of the road, stopping at view points along the way...Coming back down we found our favorite spot, sitting next to the river to reminisce, drink a toast, eat our lunch and soak up the sunshine...It was a stellar day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)


  1. I'm so glad you ladies had a fabulous day! Very jealous & excited for you.

  2. Thanks too for the trip down memory lane, beautifully expressed.
