Thursday, September 7, 2023

All About Cienna...49º Lovely fall days.

For those of you new to my blog, Cienna is my only grandchild, now 25 yrs old and embarking on a new adventure...She has always lived with her parents in the Portland area, 350 miles away from Joseph, but from a very early age was shuttled to Oma and Papa's house for a week or two, summer and winter...Of course those visits were less when she entered her teen years.

At the age of 16, August 2014, she flew off to Thailand, spending almost a year there on a Rotary exchange and got infected with the traveling bug...Back home she enrolled in her junior year of high school AND as a freshman at a jr. college, two years later she graduated with a high school, and an associate degree...Four years later June 2021 she graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in elementary education...In the meantime she had traveled back to Thailand for 3 weeks, spent a term of college in Chili and in February 2023 flew with friend Justin to Costa Rica...And the past two years she used her teaching degree, substituting in the Beaverton school district and earning enough money to travel...She has been a very busy, determined girl.

All this time she had a goal in mind...She wanted to teach English in foreign countries...Sept 6, 2023, she boarded a plane at PDX and about 12 hours later landed in Prague, Czech Republic, where she will attend a school to get certification to teach English in Foreign Countries.

Three months of planning this latest adventure, she is now in a studio apartment, where she will be joined by a roommate for a month of classes starting Sept. 10th...Closing with positive thoughts as Cienna, once again spreads those wings, who knows where this latest adventure will take her, and soars up and away. Hugs To All...OWAV:)


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