Thursday, May 5, 2011


Didn't feel bad about waking up at 4am this morning...I went to sleep reading "Committed" at 8pm last night, so closed the book, went to bed and crashed...Amazing what a little sunshine and exercise will do for a person...Also doesn't say much for the book...The book is about "committing" to a marriage, but every time I say the title I think of "committed" as being sent to a mental institution...having been married for almost 50 years, I think I see the similarity...LOL...Oooops there's my weird sense of humor showing up again!!

What a perfect day yesterday...sunshine, blue skies...if only the construction workers next door would either turn down their music or put something on that actually sounds like music, instead of just "screeching" I'm showing my age...I puttered around for awhile trying to decide what to do first...still looking for sprouts on the new fall plantings...pruned the lilac bush...then started on the ornamental apricot, too tall so must get the ladder...mulched the daylily bed with chips...Herb arrived home with my peat moss and alfalfa pellets...put half of them on the potato plot and veggie garden, plus fertilized the garlic bed with llama poop...garlic is nearly 8" tall...Between jobs I sat on the deck to rest, but a cool breeze would get me up and moving again.

Made a rich gravy for the leftover pork roast...served it with mashed potatoes and green salad...always reminds me of the few restaurant meals we ate when I was a kid...the standard on most menu's was hot pork, beef or turkey sandwiches...they consisted of two slices of toasted white bread with sliced meat on top, then gravy covering the entire plate... my friend Jane calls them "dinner sandwiches"...comfort food at its best...seems like that price was about $2.00 a plate...Another choice was breaded veal cutlets...that's what Daddy always had.

Sun is coming through our east window, casting a bright glow on the bouquet of daffodils  on the coffee table...temperature is moving up...scrabble all is 6am and I am ready to start moving...don't think I will read any of "committed" or I might go back to sleep or "crazy".

Have eye appointments in LaGrande tomorrow...our shopping list is long and maybe catch a yard sale or two...hope the sun is shinning in your part of the world...OWAV:)

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