Thursday, May 26, 2011

OWAV:)...05/26/11...6am...35°...Snowy, Breezy,

This morning my beautiful flowers are covered with snow. Yesterday the deer had eaten nearly all of the trolius buds!..Now the sun is shinning and we are all in one still standing, safe from flooding on Barton Heights...troubles are minor...Positive thinking.

It was so nice yesterday I planted cucumber seeds, making twelve hills,  covered them with milk jugs (bottoms cut out) and piled straw all around...Threw flower seeds in all flower beds and raked over them to cover...maybe some will grow...decided to plant the tomato starts residing in the greenhouse...I carefully prepared the ground, set in the tomato starts, covered tomato cages with plastic bags and pushed the legs of the cages into the ground, covering the version of mini greenhouses...Later in the evening when it started raining with the possibility of snow, I covered the three cages with a sheet...maybe that kept the snow off so they didn't all freeze...

I fixed deer steak for dinner (from last fall), I would like it fresh but they probably don't serve that in "JAIL"...We had fresh asparagus from our garden and lots of greens from "Arrowhead Farms"...avacodo, peapods and cucumber from Costco...

Herb scattered grass seed out back, where the old lean-to was and covered it with straw... He has the fence finished between us and the pasture is ready for Debbie to bring a few animals to keep the grass eaten down.

Tomorrow we are supposed to do downtown planter boxes for sorority, weather permitting... Don't have any plans for the weekend except gardening at home...The apple and plum tree is about ready to bloom, so hope it quits snowing soon...OWAV:)

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