Friday, December 30, 2011

Sorting....39º--Fog and Rain

Slept later than usual this morning, listening to the rain fall outside our open bedroom window...Snuggled deeper into the covers, breathing the fresh cold air filling the room...Have scrabble games done, read email and blogs I enjoy...Also about improving daily living (use to call them "New Years Resolutions").

I'm trying to de-clutter our house, at least a little...Yesterday I started sorting the file cabinet...HOW long do we keep some of that stuff...Bank and tax records, I've been told 7 years...What about monthly bills, insurance stuff?..Then I get into the "stuff" I've saved on trips we have taken...No I don't have to save that, but it was fun looking back through it remembering, reliving the trip...Papers our kids might need when we check out, but IRA records clear back to 1973??..Which starts me thinking, I need to organize better, have a written record...Do we have funeral plans???? NOOOO...Actually we don't have much but just thinking about all the different places I have "Stuff" stashed could be a nightmare for our kids...Some of it makes sense to me, some doesn't...Then my stomach starts to hurt and my head aches and I want to crawl back under the covers, listen to the rain and breath deep...Okay, Idella, one step at a time....OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. and really if you leave them a mess oh well...they left plenty of messes for you
