Sunday, September 1, 2013

Full Day of Music...57º

The promise of a relaxing afternoon got me moving on Saturday morning...I declined going to yard sales with Pat and instead scavenged the cucumber patch and came up with enough cucumbers to fill a quart...Two heads of cabbage had started to crack and one zucchini grew into a monster overnight...Zucchini went into the fridge and cabbages were cleaned, one grated for sauerkraut and cole slaw and the other put away to share...I started a batch of hamburger/sandwich buns for our dinner of BLT's...Jars were sterilizing in the oven...By noon 7 pints full of sauerkraut sat in the back room waiting for their magic to start working, 1 quart of dills cooled on the counter...A dozen buns almost ready for the oven...Cole Slaw made, Tomatoes sliced, bacon ready to cook...We ate our dinner at 2pm and by 3:30 I joined the crowd of people, found a little patch of shade and set up my chair to enjoy the music at Juniper Jam.

Pat and Brian joined me about 4:30..."Opie" was playing at FULL volume and we were wishing for earplugs...Brian spotted a bigger spot of shade farther away from the loud speakers, we moved quickly before others got the same idea...The afternoon and evening passed quickly as we visited, sipped our drinks and people watched...Friends stopped by to visit and some stayed for the evening...I arrived home about 9:30 after 6 hours of musical entertainment, most of it good...My favorite band was "Wiley and the Wild West"...Where else but in Wallowa County can you get 8+  hours of non stop music for the bargain price of $12/15 a ticket...I'm already looking forward to next year...Time to get moving plums and currants are waiting for me...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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