Monday, September 16, 2013

Wind Storm/Rain..54º

Fully intended yesterday to finish cutting down perennials and moving more wood chips...From 7 to 9am Herb and I worked outside then taking a break for breakfast, it soon became apparent that maybe we needed a day of rest...Sort of we rested...I gleaned the garden for fresh greens, new potatoes, patty pans, zucchini and cherry tomatoes...Herb grated zucchini while I prepped all the veggies...Soon the smell of chocolate zucchini cake fill the kitchen and roasting veggies soon to follow...Pam, Becky and John arrived as Herb started the BBQ and we enjoyed a lovely evening before the wind/rain storm brought an abrupt end to the festivities.

I must get moving this morning...A wheel barrow of wood chips is patiently waiting as are the other plants that still need to be cut down...Looks like we have rain showers and cooling temperature predicted for this week...The leaves are starting to fade and the feel of fall is really here...Hugs To All...OWAV:)


  1. Why did you need a rest? Were you falling asleep in your cheerios?

    1. Just couldn't make myself get moving again...So I fixed an ice coffee and couldn't go to sleep last night after the wind/rain storm!
