Monday, November 4, 2013

Mundane to Important...22º

That annual time of "fall back" arrived on a cold, snowy night...Officially at 2am, Sunday, November 3, 2013...Herb is the changer of the clocks in our house, if left up to me (especially digital clocks) they might or might not get changed...The entire concept makes little sense to my practical, common sense brain...I would be perfectly happy leaving the time as it is year round...No matter what the clock says I go to bed early and get up early or you could say that in the summer I go to bed when it is still light and get up when it is light and in winter I go to bed in the dark and get up when it is still dark...It doesn't matter what the CLOCK says..Having said that I better get moving because daylight is burning and its not ever 7am...Hugs to all...OWAV:)

PS...Cienna has found a sport she loves, (of course it takes place in a swimming pool)she had a great season, learned a lot and improved as a player and team member...We are so proud of "The Girl".

Cienna as she finishes up her second water polo season.

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