Saturday, October 24, 2015

Plugging Away...37º

I couldn't stay in the house when Herb was in the garden early, 9am, while it was still nippy outside...He had bales of straw, strings cut and ready for me to either scatter on garden beds or lay out for garden paths...Also huge bags of leaves gathered from maple and aspen trees, ready to layer..Bags of alfalfa pellets were nearby...Herb would bring loads of manure for me to unload later...It didn't take long for me to shed the extra shirt that I put on as I left the house...

The way this works is: The garden is separated into 4 beds, one is already planted with garlic and the other three will be piled/layered with leaves, straw, alfalfa pellets, then covered with well aged manure and topped with fence panels to keep everything from blowing away in the fall winds...These beds have all winter to decompose...It was 12 noon when we finished laying down the last fence panel...We rolled hoses, gathered rakes, shovels etc to put away before the job was finished.

Back in the house, the roll dough was overflowing its bowl...I mixed it down (after I scrubbed my hands) and gave it a half hour to get some air back in it, before I rolled it and cut into buns for our BLT's that was on the menu for dinner...Some of the buns, I cut the centers out of and fried them into donuts...Not the best as the dough wasn't rich enough but with a little lemon frosting or sugar coating, they tasted darn good! (And took care of my donut craving for a few days.) Fall weather, Halloween is donut time!

Needless to say, windows didn't get washed but today is another day and clouds are predicted, which will be a better day for window washing....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

One of our views

Another view

Herb doing leaves

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