Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Our potato harvest was small but the potatoes are nice size and clean...We do have a few that have been gnawed on by gophers and will use them first, cutting away the damage...As we were harvesting, kept seeing Mr. Gopher scurring around under the straw...Herb landed a well placed whack with the rake and did him in!...One less gopher but am sure he was not the only one...We have been eating fresh, new potatoes for the past two months and have enough stored in the cellar now, to last until February...Asking ourselves, is the work worth it?..Both agreed that the taste of home grown produce is so much better that we will keep up the war on critters, drag our creaky, groaning bodies to the garden and take it one year at a time!

Earlier in the morning we had separated garlic cloves, saving the largest ones to plant and the others will be peeled, sliced and dried for our winters supply of garlic...The large garlic cloves were planted in the loose, moist soil of the previous potato patch...Nine rows are in the ground, mulched with straw and watered once...We will keep watering, until we get some measurable rain...The garlic will develop a root system before winter sets in and put in an appearance next April, as soon as the ground is bare.

We finished the days work (potatoes/garlic) shortly after noon, just in time for a rest before our dinner of French dip sandwiches, made from Sundays tri tip, which by the way was perfect...Added a fresh fruit salad to compliment the meal...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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