Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hot, Hot, Hot!..57º

I suppose if you grow up in a hot climate, you get used to it...Guess I will never know, but I do know that the heat of the last few days, is really hard on us...A little cooler for the next few days is a nice respite...It cooled off last night and our house is below 70º this morning...Herb and I have our handy lap quilts covering us this morning until we get up and get moving for the day...Actually Herb has a load of wash started, (sheets so they can line dry and go back on our bed tonight)...Luxury at its' best...I have a chuck roast ready to go in the crockpot this morning.

We are planning to get outside this morning and work in the yard while it is still cool...Keeping everything watered is a chore...The veggie garden has really taken off with this heat, tiny zucchinis grow by inches each day, blooms on the cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, snap peas are blooming and setting on, potatoes are blooming...We will have raspberries to pick again today and another huge bouquet of sweet peas that bloom on the garden fence.

I see our garden visitor almost daily, a small garter snake, as he slithers just ahead of my steps...I snapped a photo of one of the larger snakes as he lay in the rocks on the south side of the garage, warming up for the day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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