Yesterday I finished up the FOJB mailing, then worked on the computer most of the day. I have a rough draft of both the invitation and program for my sororities Founders Day. Now I can concentrate on my weeklong writing retreat in Imnaha. I must gather some of my stories, that I have written and had edited by my friend Kathy so I can make the corrections on the saved copies in my computer, while in Imnaha. Plus I have to start packing and figuring out food for a week of meals. No running to the store for last minute supplies.
I didn't go to bed last night until nearly 10pm, but awoke before 4am ready to rise and shine. Well rise anyway. Herb had brought the Chieftain home last night when he came home from his Wednesday night bowling league, so in the wee hours of the morning, I read it thoroughly. I could write about the weekly newspaper but think I will start with Herb's bowling instead.
Herb has bowled since before we met. First in McCall, Idaho where he set pins to pay for his bowling, then on a league at the University of Idaho, when he was in forestry school. He continued on a league while we lived in New Meadows, Idaho, bowling weekly in nearby McCall. No, he didn't set pins this time, but bowled in a new bowling alley, that had automatic pin setters. For a couple of years I joined him on Sunday nights and we bowled on a mixed doubles league. Herb always joined in on the local tournaments and usually did well, he didn't carry a high average, but he was a consistent bowler and several times he was in the money at tournaments, where he often bowled above his average. Then we moved to Duchesne, Utah and the nearest bowling alley was sixty miles away in Vernal, Utah, so he took a seven year vacation. We moved to Joseph, Oregon in 1973, with a small bowling alley on main street, he again took up the sport. So for the past thirty eight years, every week, during the winter months, Herb has spent one or two nights, at the bowling alley. Again, I joined him for a few years on a Sunday mixed league and I also bowled, for a few years, on a Monday night, women's league. It is a great way to meet new people and to help pass the long winters. The best benefit of Herb's bowling for me was a night when I could meet with friends for dinner or just an evening alone with my own projects.
Also for many years Herb bowled in the "Banana Belt Tournament" in Lewiston, Idaho. Along with his team he bowled in all of the events; singles, doubles, and team and sometimes we bowled mixed doubles. Some years they actually got in the money and almost paid for our mini vacation. I loved this yearly outing and Lewiston in the springtime. Leaving Joseph, for Lewiston on a Friday, after work, we would spend the entire weekend, he at the bowling alley me shopping and enjoying the spring weather. Lewiston is delightful in the spring, as it is close to sea level and everything grows and blooms there. Depending on the weekend in April or May, we would be treated to bulbs of all kinds, blooming along with the early shrubs and trees, dogwoods in particular. On a May trip the roses would be in bloom, an incredible sight, after a long Joseph winter. Sometimes we stayed in motels, sometimes in our RV. Many times we then got together, with the other couples for a dinner out, or in the RV park we did a BBQ and potluck for a fun evening with friends. They no longer have the "Banana Belt Tournament" but I usually think of a reason to go to Lewiston for at least a day in April or May, even if it is only to go shopping at Costco. Herb says this is his last year as a full-time bowler and maybe he will sign up as a substitute, and can then bowl only when he wants to. So in thinking back Herb's bowling has added another dimension to our life, one I have enjoyed as much as he.
It is a good thing Jerry has decided to finish up our scrabble games, or I wouldn't have had any to play this morning. OWAV:)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
OWAV:) 03/30/11, 6am, 38°, raining
I woke up to the sound of rain at about 3am this morning, burrowed down into the covers and went back to sleep. Woke again to the smell of smoke, drifting in the bedroom window. Our neighbor across the river had started a slash pile burning late yesterday afternoon and now it is smoldering, after being soaked by the rain, and the smoke comes straight to our window. I get up, close the window and go back to bed. This time I go back to sleep, but it is the in and out sleep of crazy dreams. Dreams that make no sense and just keep going on and on. Finally, sinus's plugged and head aching from breathing the smoke, I drag myself out of the mire of dreams and make my way, first to the kitchen, get my morning cup of coffee and next to my recliner and the laptop. Before I start on scrabble games, I rub my forehead and nose with Mentholatum, to relieve the pressure on my sinus's. (An old time remedy) Now with tears streaming down my checks, I catch up on email and scrabble, then on to my blog.
Yesterday was spent at writing group, where we share our writing with each other, making "constructive comments" that is intended to help make us better writers. I feel very inadequate at this job, because the other people in our group are seasoned writers and I a newbie. In the long run I probably get the most out of the group because they can help me, if that is possible, and I mostly listen to them.
One writer in particular is our only poet. She has been a high school english teacher and has also taught college level writing classes. She has just finished a manuscript of poetry, to be published. I think of Kathy as kind and fragile, but also strong in many ways. She lives with her husband "out north" as it is called here in Wallowa County. Out north near Flora, Oregon, where the winters are fierce and she is alone much of the time, while her husband teaches at the State School for the Blind in Lewiston, Idaho. In this remote location and time to herself, with only cats, chickens, and wild animals, to keep her company, she writes incredible poetry. I have had to learn to really listen, when she is reading, to understand the meaning of her work. Her poems do not rhyme and have meaning that goes way beyond the norm. I doubt that I will ever be a lover of poetry, but have learned to appreciate much of what she writes.
I arrive back home about 3pm, and work off and on, on the FOJB mailing, that is still sitting on the kitchen table. Herb has warmed up the leftover noodles for his dinner and is either reading or playing on the computer. I almost finish folding, stamping and labeling the mailing by 8pm and decide to leave the rest for morning. I Chat with Bobi and Cienna sometime in the afternoon and they are waiting for me to do the scrabble games. Thus ends another day on Barton Heights. OWAV:)
Yesterday was spent at writing group, where we share our writing with each other, making "constructive comments" that is intended to help make us better writers. I feel very inadequate at this job, because the other people in our group are seasoned writers and I a newbie. In the long run I probably get the most out of the group because they can help me, if that is possible, and I mostly listen to them.
One writer in particular is our only poet. She has been a high school english teacher and has also taught college level writing classes. She has just finished a manuscript of poetry, to be published. I think of Kathy as kind and fragile, but also strong in many ways. She lives with her husband "out north" as it is called here in Wallowa County. Out north near Flora, Oregon, where the winters are fierce and she is alone much of the time, while her husband teaches at the State School for the Blind in Lewiston, Idaho. In this remote location and time to herself, with only cats, chickens, and wild animals, to keep her company, she writes incredible poetry. I have had to learn to really listen, when she is reading, to understand the meaning of her work. Her poems do not rhyme and have meaning that goes way beyond the norm. I doubt that I will ever be a lover of poetry, but have learned to appreciate much of what she writes.
I arrive back home about 3pm, and work off and on, on the FOJB mailing, that is still sitting on the kitchen table. Herb has warmed up the leftover noodles for his dinner and is either reading or playing on the computer. I almost finish folding, stamping and labeling the mailing by 8pm and decide to leave the rest for morning. I Chat with Bobi and Cienna sometime in the afternoon and they are waiting for me to do the scrabble games. Thus ends another day on Barton Heights. OWAV:)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
OWAV:) 03/29/11, 5am, 35°, No snow
I had a busy day yesterday. First on the agenda was printing labels for FOJB, spring mailing. This is one of my jobs as a volunteer for the Eagle Cap Excursion Train. Printer worked, no problems, YEAH!! Next was getting copies made of the letter at "Copy Central" in Enterprise. I planned my morning around that, along with a stop at Soroptomists and another stop to visit with my friend Ruth. Ruth and I had a nice long visit so I didn't go to Soroptomists, just made a quick stop at Safeway to pick up a prescription. Got home in time to eat lunch and make a 1:00 sorority, committee meeting at Marions. Spent the rest of the day "gabbing" with friends and working on this years Founders Day banquet. Since I'm the only one in Sorority that is SORT of computer literate, I make invitations and programs for our functions. I will work on Founders Day programs, after I finish the mailing for FOJB and get home from my weeklong writing retreat in Imnaha. The writing retreat starts this coming Sunday. More about that later.
When I arrived home, Herb and Rusty were unwinding and warming up from a day spent riding a "Kubota", Utility vehicle, into the Lick Creek area where they hauled out an abandoned snowmobile, that was frozen to the ground, in a snow covered swamp. Before I left on my errands to Enterprise, I had started a batch of bread, punched it down when I came home for lunch and it was now over the top of the bowl. Since dinner was not in the oven or anywhere else in sight, the "guys" were happy with fry bread, slathered with butter and homemade jam. I made the rest of the dough into four round loaves, which were baked and removed from the oven about 7pm. They looked much better than the hockey pucks of last week. OWAV:)
When I arrived home, Herb and Rusty were unwinding and warming up from a day spent riding a "Kubota", Utility vehicle, into the Lick Creek area where they hauled out an abandoned snowmobile, that was frozen to the ground, in a snow covered swamp. Before I left on my errands to Enterprise, I had started a batch of bread, punched it down when I came home for lunch and it was now over the top of the bowl. Since dinner was not in the oven or anywhere else in sight, the "guys" were happy with fry bread, slathered with butter and homemade jam. I made the rest of the dough into four round loaves, which were baked and removed from the oven about 7pm. They looked much better than the hockey pucks of last week. OWAV:)
Monday, March 28, 2011
OWAV:) 02/28/11, 5am, 30°, Skiff of snow
The dusting of snow that fell overnight sparkles like diamonds when I turn on the light and peer through the glass doors, looking at the deck. It is cold and dark, with stars shinning above. Yesterday was sunny, but a cold breeze kept the temperature around 40° most of the day.
Yesterday: Herb was in much need of a haircut, so before showers, I cut his hair. His hair cut is easy, using electric clippers, I just buzz, buzz, buzz and it is done for another four to six weeks. Then I decided my own hair needed a trim. This is getting more difficult every year as my arms don't like reaching over my head for any length of time. With the help of a mirror on the back wall, I can still get the back sort of straight. The worst part is that with my glasses off, I don't see very well, and with them on I can't get the bifocal part to focus at the right level. You might ask, why don't I just go to the beauty shop and have this done? I have tried that off and on for many years but always come out of the beauty shop unhappy with the haircut and end up in my own bathroom, scissors and razor in hand going through the contortions of redoing the haircut to my liking. Seems to me I just wasted $30.00. So until my arms will no longer go over my head I will keep cutting my own hair!! Maybe I can turn my glasses upside down and get the bifocals focused or stand on my head? Forget I said that.
After our breakfast of french toast, Herb and Rusty went squirrel hunting. This time of year, if the sun is shinning, the squirrels are thick on the hillside pastures. They eat every blade of grass as it pokes its head through the frozen ground, and dig holes and make mounds of dirt everywhere. The farmers are glad to have people out hunting them. They appreciate the hunters, but also want you to ask permission before hunting so they know who is on their land. Most times their irrigation lines are in the fields and some people become impatient waiting for squirrels, so make a game of shooting the pipes full of holes. This is not a good thing when the farmer gets ready to irrigate his fields. Just another example of the disregard for other peoples property. I remember as a child, when my brother hunted squirrels, he would bring home the tail from each one, unless the squirrel got back into its hole before it died. The tails were worth a penny a piece and kids scrounged for every penny they could get. I also remember a bounty on magpies, seems like a pair of magpie feet was worth a penny.
This brings another subject to mind and that subject is guns and knives. Kids were taught at an early age the proper use of a knife and a gun. Our kids were given cap guns, with holsters, for birthdays, what fun they had playing innumerable games of "Cowboys and Indians". It was not unusual for a child at the age of ten to carry a pocket knife (in the pocket of their jeans) or to get their first gun at the age of twelve. Pocket knives were carried to school and used for whittling, toad stabbing, (I guess) whatever was needed. When a boy got his first pickup, his gun was placed in the gun rack and went everywhere with him. He parked his pickup in the school parking lot, locked the pickup, most of the time, and then was able to go hunting as soon as school was over for the day. How our world has changed.
I have been avoiding the subject of how I spent the rest of my day. I did make noodles, while the guys were squirrel hunting, and we had brisket, noodles and brussels sprouts for dinner. BUT most of the day I played ANGRY BIRDS on the computer. I must get a life! OWAV:)
Yesterday: Herb was in much need of a haircut, so before showers, I cut his hair. His hair cut is easy, using electric clippers, I just buzz, buzz, buzz and it is done for another four to six weeks. Then I decided my own hair needed a trim. This is getting more difficult every year as my arms don't like reaching over my head for any length of time. With the help of a mirror on the back wall, I can still get the back sort of straight. The worst part is that with my glasses off, I don't see very well, and with them on I can't get the bifocal part to focus at the right level. You might ask, why don't I just go to the beauty shop and have this done? I have tried that off and on for many years but always come out of the beauty shop unhappy with the haircut and end up in my own bathroom, scissors and razor in hand going through the contortions of redoing the haircut to my liking. Seems to me I just wasted $30.00. So until my arms will no longer go over my head I will keep cutting my own hair!! Maybe I can turn my glasses upside down and get the bifocals focused or stand on my head? Forget I said that.
After our breakfast of french toast, Herb and Rusty went squirrel hunting. This time of year, if the sun is shinning, the squirrels are thick on the hillside pastures. They eat every blade of grass as it pokes its head through the frozen ground, and dig holes and make mounds of dirt everywhere. The farmers are glad to have people out hunting them. They appreciate the hunters, but also want you to ask permission before hunting so they know who is on their land. Most times their irrigation lines are in the fields and some people become impatient waiting for squirrels, so make a game of shooting the pipes full of holes. This is not a good thing when the farmer gets ready to irrigate his fields. Just another example of the disregard for other peoples property. I remember as a child, when my brother hunted squirrels, he would bring home the tail from each one, unless the squirrel got back into its hole before it died. The tails were worth a penny a piece and kids scrounged for every penny they could get. I also remember a bounty on magpies, seems like a pair of magpie feet was worth a penny.
This brings another subject to mind and that subject is guns and knives. Kids were taught at an early age the proper use of a knife and a gun. Our kids were given cap guns, with holsters, for birthdays, what fun they had playing innumerable games of "Cowboys and Indians". It was not unusual for a child at the age of ten to carry a pocket knife (in the pocket of their jeans) or to get their first gun at the age of twelve. Pocket knives were carried to school and used for whittling, toad stabbing, (I guess) whatever was needed. When a boy got his first pickup, his gun was placed in the gun rack and went everywhere with him. He parked his pickup in the school parking lot, locked the pickup, most of the time, and then was able to go hunting as soon as school was over for the day. How our world has changed.
I have been avoiding the subject of how I spent the rest of my day. I did make noodles, while the guys were squirrel hunting, and we had brisket, noodles and brussels sprouts for dinner. BUT most of the day I played ANGRY BIRDS on the computer. I must get a life! OWAV:)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
OWAV:) 03/27/11, 4am, 25° Skiff of snow, Stars out
Up early, no new scrabble games, guess I was doing them last night as fast as Bobi finished them. Oh well, I have no excuse but to get right to my blog. I was also playing "Angry Birds", what an addictive game. Must discipline myself to do more productive things.
Yesterday: Herb and Rusty loaded the trailer with the old tin and other stuff from the back pasture and are now on their way to the Ant Flat Dump in Enterprise. It will be so nice to get it cleaned up out there. While they are gone I clean leftovers from the fridge. I will do a deeper cleaning later, I have no idea what might be in the very back. I will use most of the leftover lamb in hot sandwiches for our lunch, as Rusty needs something hot before he goes snowmobiling. The smoked brisket is put in the dutch oven with onions, garlic and broth to simmer for several hours. It is now tender, sliced thin and in broth. It will be made into soups or maybe added to homemade noodles for another meal.
I started a batch of bread before noon, making four loaves, for us, plus a pan of rolls to take to Becky and Johns for a BBQ tonight. Something else I must work on. The rolls tasted good, but came out like hockey pucks and the loaves of bread are very small and heavy. The bread seemed full of life when it was in the sponge, rising and pushing the lid off of the bread bowl. After I shaped the dough it just sat in the pans and refused to rise, even after I put it into a warm oven. I have always loved making bread, because for me it has been very forgiving no matter what I put in it or how I treated it. Now since I don't make it as often it seems to have a mind of its own. Maybe that means I should practice more?
As alway we had a great time at Becky and Johns, enjoying the company of John's sister Susan and her kids, Josh and Megan. They are visiting for their spring break, from Riggins, Idaho. Nick, Rachel, Dylan and Pam are also there. Even on this cold evening in March we end up outside around the campfire, the kids and dogs entertain us while the guys do the BBQing and Nick piles wood on the fire. Inside we gather around the tables and enjoy another wonderful meal. BBQed chicken legs and pork tenderloin served along with roasted potatoes, green salad and "hockey pucks".
Becky will leave for Salem on Sunday morning, caravaning with Pam, who will be attending a workshop in Salem on Monday and Tuesday. Becky has one term left of her first year of law school. One year down and two to go!!
It is still early and dark, Herb and Rusty are still asleep. Maybe I will start a book or do a crossword puzzle before I start moving for the day. Love to all--OWAV:)
Yesterday: Herb and Rusty loaded the trailer with the old tin and other stuff from the back pasture and are now on their way to the Ant Flat Dump in Enterprise. It will be so nice to get it cleaned up out there. While they are gone I clean leftovers from the fridge. I will do a deeper cleaning later, I have no idea what might be in the very back. I will use most of the leftover lamb in hot sandwiches for our lunch, as Rusty needs something hot before he goes snowmobiling. The smoked brisket is put in the dutch oven with onions, garlic and broth to simmer for several hours. It is now tender, sliced thin and in broth. It will be made into soups or maybe added to homemade noodles for another meal.
I started a batch of bread before noon, making four loaves, for us, plus a pan of rolls to take to Becky and Johns for a BBQ tonight. Something else I must work on. The rolls tasted good, but came out like hockey pucks and the loaves of bread are very small and heavy. The bread seemed full of life when it was in the sponge, rising and pushing the lid off of the bread bowl. After I shaped the dough it just sat in the pans and refused to rise, even after I put it into a warm oven. I have always loved making bread, because for me it has been very forgiving no matter what I put in it or how I treated it. Now since I don't make it as often it seems to have a mind of its own. Maybe that means I should practice more?
As alway we had a great time at Becky and Johns, enjoying the company of John's sister Susan and her kids, Josh and Megan. They are visiting for their spring break, from Riggins, Idaho. Nick, Rachel, Dylan and Pam are also there. Even on this cold evening in March we end up outside around the campfire, the kids and dogs entertain us while the guys do the BBQing and Nick piles wood on the fire. Inside we gather around the tables and enjoy another wonderful meal. BBQed chicken legs and pork tenderloin served along with roasted potatoes, green salad and "hockey pucks".
Becky will leave for Salem on Sunday morning, caravaning with Pam, who will be attending a workshop in Salem on Monday and Tuesday. Becky has one term left of her first year of law school. One year down and two to go!!
It is still early and dark, Herb and Rusty are still asleep. Maybe I will start a book or do a crossword puzzle before I start moving for the day. Love to all--OWAV:)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
OWAV:) 03/26/11, 5am, 24°, Birds Singing.
Yesterday was kind of a lost day for me, as it usually takes me a couple of days to get on track and back in my groove, after spring break. I mostly wasted time playing "Angry Birds" and "Scrabble" on the computer. I did start on sorority stuff for Founders Day.
Herb and Rusty have been cleaning up the metal siding from our lean-to and will haul it to the dump on Saturday. Herb went to Enterprise to buy fencing so our garden fence and neighboring fence (after the barn removal) can be repaired. Since Rusty is staying, we will get his help with as many jobs as possible. This keeping up with the neighbors is getting pretty tough and we will be lucky to just keep our place looking neat, but not a show place.
This spring we bought a tiny greenhouse that will fit nicely on our deck and I'm hoping to start a few bedding plants for my planter boxes and flower gardens. Rusty assembled it and reinforced it, then attached it to the deck without using a bunch of screws to hold it in place. (we hope it won't blow away). We put a thermometer in, reading 40° and within two hours it was up to 100°. I'm sure by this morning it is down to 24°. Tossing around ideas about keeping it somewhat warm at night during April and May. I will put gallon jugs full of water on the bottom shelf to retain some of the daytime heat and add a heating pad that can be plugged in at night, maybe that will keep it above freezing. As in other years I may end up buying bedding plants, but will give this a try. It seems that my "planting genes" kick in before the weather is warm enough, so maybe this will give me some early satisfaction??
I fixed comfort food for dinner, macaroni and cheese and deer steak. Today I must do something with leftovers in the fridge and think about food for the next few days. Seems like a good time to make soup or another pot of beans. The sun is hitting Ruby Peak, time to get moving. OWAV:)
Herb and Rusty have been cleaning up the metal siding from our lean-to and will haul it to the dump on Saturday. Herb went to Enterprise to buy fencing so our garden fence and neighboring fence (after the barn removal) can be repaired. Since Rusty is staying, we will get his help with as many jobs as possible. This keeping up with the neighbors is getting pretty tough and we will be lucky to just keep our place looking neat, but not a show place.
This spring we bought a tiny greenhouse that will fit nicely on our deck and I'm hoping to start a few bedding plants for my planter boxes and flower gardens. Rusty assembled it and reinforced it, then attached it to the deck without using a bunch of screws to hold it in place. (we hope it won't blow away). We put a thermometer in, reading 40° and within two hours it was up to 100°. I'm sure by this morning it is down to 24°. Tossing around ideas about keeping it somewhat warm at night during April and May. I will put gallon jugs full of water on the bottom shelf to retain some of the daytime heat and add a heating pad that can be plugged in at night, maybe that will keep it above freezing. As in other years I may end up buying bedding plants, but will give this a try. It seems that my "planting genes" kick in before the weather is warm enough, so maybe this will give me some early satisfaction??
I fixed comfort food for dinner, macaroni and cheese and deer steak. Today I must do something with leftovers in the fridge and think about food for the next few days. Seems like a good time to make soup or another pot of beans. The sun is hitting Ruby Peak, time to get moving. OWAV:)
Friday, March 25, 2011
OWAV:) 5am, 03/24-25/11, 25°, possible showers
Getting ready. |
Bobi and I can hardly wait until they are out of the driveway, so we can go on our own "Safari". We head to "Arrowhead Chocolates", she orders a small latte and I a medium mocha, we get them to-go and drive to the head of the lake. Alway a favorite ride for us and we talk non-stop as we go. I think we get on the subject of class reunions, my 51st and her 31st, of which neither of us plan to attend. Oh my gosh where has the time gone! I could get in one of my "maudlin moods" but won't, just want to say I love being with "My Girl".
![]() |
Ready to ride. |
Soon we are back home, Papa and Cienna arrive home from snowmobiling, Cienna with red cheeks, saying she had an AWESOME time and wanted to stay longer.
Everyone is on their own for dinner that night, all kinds of leftovers are in the fridge. Most of us munch on smoky ribs from the night before and then we start a canasta marathon, which lasted way into the night. Card playing includes me telling stories about my childhood and their childhood. Laughing and crying I try to fill in some of the spaces that are foggy to them and others that they have never heard before. We talk about Lake Fork and New Meadows Idaho, Duchesne Utah and our early days here in Wallowa County. Midnight moves closer and I feel the "pumpkin syndrome" coming on. Goodnight All!!
Spring break 2011. |
I sat on the sofa in a daze, caught up on email, then wandered around the yard and garden, looking for signs of spring. Herb and Rusty were working on a project in the garage. I decided I would attend my sorority luncheon meeting at the "Outlaw Cafe" in Joseph. Later in the afternoon, we went for a short ride so Rusty could sight-in a gun he is working on. Again I am lazy and the "guys" find food in the fridge and I will start cooking again, tomorrow. The "girls" arrived safely, back home in Portland. Rusty is staying for another week. OWAV:)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
OWAV:) 03/23/11, 6am, 21° Sun is Rising
Whirlwind is the only way to describe Tuesday 23, 2011. Rusty headed outside early, with Herb following, to clean up the rubble on our side of the fence after the barn went over. Bobi, Cienna and I ate a hurried breakfast and were soon on our way to Enterprise.
We have a list: First the grocery store, then soroptomists, then back to Joseph, where we are meeting friend Pat for coffee at the Arrowhead Chocolate shop. Pat, Bobi and I have been playing a three-way scrabble game on facebook for several months now, and this is a chance for Bobi and Pat to meet in person. We talk non-stop for an hour and a half, sipping latte's and drooling over all of the chocolates, in the candy cases. Our last stop finds us at the Sheep Shed, where Bobi has her felted bags on consignment. We remove the "old bags" and replace them with newly made ones, that she has brought from Portland. We leave the shop and as Bobi starts to open her car door, she yells, "Oh my God!" Cienna and I are quickly out of the car to see what her problem is. She points out to us that there is a big hole in the sunroof of her car. No one is around, there are no rocks anywhere that might have caused this. We are dumb founded as we get back in the car and go home. After many phone calls to her auto mechanic in Portland and her insurance company, she has an appointment to get the car looked at on Thursday afternoon. Rusty covers the sunroof with plastic and tapes it on with duck tape, hoping that, that will protect the car from the rain she may encounter on the way home. Her car is now parked in our garage and they will leave for home on Thursday morning.
Our day must go on. We fix bean soup and quesadillas for lunch, still shaking our heads and wondering about the sunroof. We have friends coming for dinner. Rusty is making ribs and we will make baked beans, hot rolls and coleslaw to go with the ribs.
In the meantime the Rock chip doc comes to repair the rock chip in the windshield in my Subaru. It is warm and sunny outside now, this compared to yesterday, when it snowed off and on all day.
Becky, John and Pam arrive for dinner. Two hours later we are stuffed and groaning, from eating soooooo much. Another wonderful dinner in the company of family and friends. OWAV:)
We have a list: First the grocery store, then soroptomists, then back to Joseph, where we are meeting friend Pat for coffee at the Arrowhead Chocolate shop. Pat, Bobi and I have been playing a three-way scrabble game on facebook for several months now, and this is a chance for Bobi and Pat to meet in person. We talk non-stop for an hour and a half, sipping latte's and drooling over all of the chocolates, in the candy cases. Our last stop finds us at the Sheep Shed, where Bobi has her felted bags on consignment. We remove the "old bags" and replace them with newly made ones, that she has brought from Portland. We leave the shop and as Bobi starts to open her car door, she yells, "Oh my God!" Cienna and I are quickly out of the car to see what her problem is. She points out to us that there is a big hole in the sunroof of her car. No one is around, there are no rocks anywhere that might have caused this. We are dumb founded as we get back in the car and go home. After many phone calls to her auto mechanic in Portland and her insurance company, she has an appointment to get the car looked at on Thursday afternoon. Rusty covers the sunroof with plastic and tapes it on with duck tape, hoping that, that will protect the car from the rain she may encounter on the way home. Her car is now parked in our garage and they will leave for home on Thursday morning.
Our day must go on. We fix bean soup and quesadillas for lunch, still shaking our heads and wondering about the sunroof. We have friends coming for dinner. Rusty is making ribs and we will make baked beans, hot rolls and coleslaw to go with the ribs.
In the meantime the Rock chip doc comes to repair the rock chip in the windshield in my Subaru. It is warm and sunny outside now, this compared to yesterday, when it snowed off and on all day.
Becky, John and Pam arrive for dinner. Two hours later we are stuffed and groaning, from eating soooooo much. Another wonderful dinner in the company of family and friends. OWAV:)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
OWAV:) 03/22/11, 6am, 28° Gray day
It was a busy day on Barton Heights yesterday. The morning started with coffee cups in hand, as we caught up on computer games and our usual morning visiting. We had a quick breakfast of assorted breads, fruit and scrambled eggs with bacon.
After breakfast, Herb and Rusty set up the gas stove and pressure cooker while Bobi, Cienna and I filled pint jars with beef chunks. Soon the pressure cooker was "steaming" away. We brought out the scrabble board, then the cards and we played continuous games, keeping a close eye on the pressure gage. We processed 23 pints of beef and 4 pints of beef broth.
Bobi and Cienna decided we needed a banana cream pie to go with our dinner, so while Rusty was cooking a beef brisket on his grill, I rolled out the pie crust and they made the filling. Whipped cream was added when this lovely pie was served for dessert.
Meanwhile next door at the Williams household a major demolition was taking place as their old barn (featured on Oma's View) was being dismantled so it could be burned. The barn had become structurally unsound and had to be demolished. With sad hearts we watched it crumble to the ground, then listened to the roar of the fire as the one hundred year old barn went up in flames. A new garage and shop will soon be built on that spot. I'm so glad I have "my barn photo".
Card games were played, and stories told, as we drank our wine and filled the room with laughter and good natured bantering until bedtime. OWAV:)
Banana cream pie |
Meanwhile next door at the Williams household a major demolition was taking place as their old barn (featured on Oma's View) was being dismantled so it could be burned. The barn had become structurally unsound and had to be demolished. With sad hearts we watched it crumble to the ground, then listened to the roar of the fire as the one hundred year old barn went up in flames. A new garage and shop will soon be built on that spot. I'm so glad I have "my barn photo".
Card games were played, and stories told, as we drank our wine and filled the room with laughter and good natured bantering until bedtime. OWAV:)
Monday, March 21, 2011
OWAV:) 03/21/11, 5am, 33°, Rainy, icy
I Crashed early last night, while Bobi and Cienna were watching "The Amazing Race".
Yesterday we awoke to a brilliant sunrise, after a night illuminated by the full moon. In the morning Bobi and I boned and cut beef roasts that are tough, so we can put them in jars this morning and pressure cook them. Bob will be able to make easy, quick meal using the meat and it won't take so much chewing. I fixed a leg of lamb, stuffing it with garlic pieces, to go into the oven for dinner and Bobi peeled potatoes to cook and mash. Bobi, Cienna and I planned to go to the play "The Miracle Worker" in Lostine so we wanted everything to be cooked when we get home. Things were almost cooked when we got home, Bob made the gravy, Herb mashed potatoes and set the table, and Rusty carved the roast. lamb is one of our favorite meals and I always plan it, when the kids are home.
During the day, we enjoyed such activities as scrabble, both on the computer and the board game played on the coffee table in the living room, card games and reading. Cienna also has to work on homework for school next week. I mentioned before that Bobi found a computer game "Angry Birds" and now has Rusty hooked on it as well as herself, and Cienna. We all spend way too much time looking at a computer screen. Rusty did cook ribs on the BBQ for another day, as he and John plan to go snowmobiling.
Well I must get a move on and help Herb set everything up for the canning process. Rusty will help with the heavy lifting and Bobi will soon be up so we can stuff jars and start the pressure cooker. Leftovers are in the offering for dinner tonight, no heavy cooking, just heat and eat. So goes life in Joseph, when the kids are here. OWAV:)
PS. The play was very intense, played to a full house, and the local actors did a great job. We enjoyed it, as well as the hot chocolate and cupcakes at intermission. Again I feel very blessed with the family I have.
Sunrise over Joseph |
During the day, we enjoyed such activities as scrabble, both on the computer and the board game played on the coffee table in the living room, card games and reading. Cienna also has to work on homework for school next week. I mentioned before that Bobi found a computer game "Angry Birds" and now has Rusty hooked on it as well as herself, and Cienna. We all spend way too much time looking at a computer screen. Rusty did cook ribs on the BBQ for another day, as he and John plan to go snowmobiling.
Well I must get a move on and help Herb set everything up for the canning process. Rusty will help with the heavy lifting and Bobi will soon be up so we can stuff jars and start the pressure cooker. Leftovers are in the offering for dinner tonight, no heavy cooking, just heat and eat. So goes life in Joseph, when the kids are here. OWAV:)
PS. The play was very intense, played to a full house, and the local actors did a great job. We enjoyed it, as well as the hot chocolate and cupcakes at intermission. Again I feel very blessed with the family I have.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
OWAV:) 03/20/11, 5am, 22°, full moon
Got the morning started yesterday with "corned beef hash scramble" for breakfast. Recipe made up as I went along. Started with fresh diced onions, added leftover grated carrots, potatoes, then diced corned beef, stirred in four beaten eggs and a cup of grated cheese. Herb set the table, buttered toast, sliced fruit and VOILA, breakfast was served. Simple, fast and filling.
With three inches of new snow on the ground, Cienna was soon outside with the dogs playing in the snow and helping Papa remove snow from the cars, snomobiles and walks. The three girls left no snow untrodden and had a snowman in the front yard to show for it. Soon they were all back in the house to dry off and warm up.
Bobi and I spent the time side by side on the sofa, each with a laptop, and her teaching me all she had learned at classes she took in pages, a writing program. Soon my eyes glaze over and we move on to playing scrabble with Cienna. Rusty got tools together to install our new kitchen faucet, purchased in Phoenix. Everyone vacated the kitchen, with Herb standing by, to bring more tools, rags, buckets, whatever is needed. Now I have a new tall faucet with a sprayer replacing my worn out twenty year old faucet.
I put dinner on the stove, home made chili and tamales slowly simmering until we are ready to eat. John and Becky arrive with dog, Tate, who has come to play with Trixy and Ginger. It is a good thing that Rusty has finished with the faucet, because now we have seven people, and three dogs all in the kitchen. Dogs racing getting reaquainted, people hugging, and laughing. aaAAAARRRRRGGGGGG!! Cienna and dogs are sent outside to run off some energy and adults, drinks in hand go to the living room to visit. After John and Becky leave we dish up tamales and chili, add diced onions, grated cheese and sour cream, green salad finishes off the meal and dessert is not needed.
Later in the evening John and Becky return to get Tate and John regales us with stories of Tate, who has a toy monkey, that he places near his food dish and then goes to great lengths to keep the monkey from eating his food. It is just too funny and we are all laughing until the tears come, must see it in person, I think, to really get the full effect. Bobi tells them they must get it videoed and submit it to "America's Home Videos".
We finish the evening playing cards, teaching Cienna all the tricks of canasta. OWAV:)
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Ci and Girls |
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Cienna and snowman |
Bobi and I spent the time side by side on the sofa, each with a laptop, and her teaching me all she had learned at classes she took in pages, a writing program. Soon my eyes glaze over and we move on to playing scrabble with Cienna. Rusty got tools together to install our new kitchen faucet, purchased in Phoenix. Everyone vacated the kitchen, with Herb standing by, to bring more tools, rags, buckets, whatever is needed. Now I have a new tall faucet with a sprayer replacing my worn out twenty year old faucet.
I put dinner on the stove, home made chili and tamales slowly simmering until we are ready to eat. John and Becky arrive with dog, Tate, who has come to play with Trixy and Ginger. It is a good thing that Rusty has finished with the faucet, because now we have seven people, and three dogs all in the kitchen. Dogs racing getting reaquainted, people hugging, and laughing. aaAAAARRRRRGGGGGG!! Cienna and dogs are sent outside to run off some energy and adults, drinks in hand go to the living room to visit. After John and Becky leave we dish up tamales and chili, add diced onions, grated cheese and sour cream, green salad finishes off the meal and dessert is not needed.
Later in the evening John and Becky return to get Tate and John regales us with stories of Tate, who has a toy monkey, that he places near his food dish and then goes to great lengths to keep the monkey from eating his food. It is just too funny and we are all laughing until the tears come, must see it in person, I think, to really get the full effect. Bobi tells them they must get it videoed and submit it to "America's Home Videos".
We finish the evening playing cards, teaching Cienna all the tricks of canasta. OWAV:)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
OWAV:) 03/19/11, 5am, 30°, 1/2" new snow
Like a "whirling dervish" at about 2pm they arrived. First Bobi, Cienna and their two dogs, Trixie and Ginger, coming from Portland. Sun was shinning, slight breeze blowing, hugs were exchanged, then we unloaded the car and got everything carried into the house. A short time later, Rusty drove in pulling a trailer loaded with snowmobiles, and assorted other stuff filled his truck. Cienna ran to hug her Uncle Rusty, then everyone is again outside laughing, talking, dogs barking, a cacophony of sounds fills the air. Happy sounds as we are together again.
We visit and relax, over a glass of wine, while the corned beef and cabbage finishes cooking. Then we eat our dinner and later finish up with lemon pie. Now everyone is very full and very sleepy as we have all been up since the wee hours of the morning. We listen to "Rusty stories" of his time in China and Vietnam, then we resort to checking out a new game on the computer, that Bobi has found. We catch up on the scrabble games and soon start making our way to bed, saving our card games for another night. We have a busy week ahead of us. OWAV:)
We visit and relax, over a glass of wine, while the corned beef and cabbage finishes cooking. Then we eat our dinner and later finish up with lemon pie. Now everyone is very full and very sleepy as we have all been up since the wee hours of the morning. We listen to "Rusty stories" of his time in China and Vietnam, then we resort to checking out a new game on the computer, that Bobi has found. We catch up on the scrabble games and soon start making our way to bed, saving our card games for another night. We have a busy week ahead of us. OWAV:)
Friday, March 18, 2011
OWAV:) 03/18/11, 25°, Partly cloudy
D-day or in this case Kid-day is here. Have more cleaning to do, lemon pie to make and corned beef and cabbage to get ready for dinner. Talk later maybe? OWAV:)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
OWAV:) 03/17/11, 5am, 22°, 1" snow
Scrabble games are all caught up, now on with my blog. Today is the day I must get serious about first organizing my thoughts about what really needs to be done, and then doing it. Herb has started laundry, so the beds will have clean sheets when everyone arrives. He took over the laundry chore about ten years ago, and for the most part I'm happy to let him do it. Sometimes it bothers me the things he puts together in one batch, but it is now one of the things I just let go, because it is not worth arguing about. I'm just happy that I have a clean bed to sleep in, and as if by magic my dirty clothes reappear clean and folded on a regular basis. What more could a woman want?
Number one on my list today is to clean the front porch. I love this old house and its front porch, but when the wind blows, the porch seems to be a magnet for anything loose. Mostly leaves and other yard debris, plus cat hair from Nuisance, because this is where she comes to be fed. In winter, it sometimes resembles a pig sty. Not a good first impression for people coming to visit.
Number two will be to mix pie crust so it is ready to make into lemon pie tomorrow. I shared lemons with friend Janie, and she said yesterday that out of one monster lemon, that we brought from Arizona, she had enough to make one large, to die for, lemon pie. So using fresh eggs from Janie's chickens, and fresh lemons, we also will have lemon pie.
Number three is the dreaded bathroom! I swear that someday I'm going to have a cleaning lady just for that room. What is the saying, when faced with a bad job? "Turn up your sleeves instead of your nose". I think I will do both!!
We had a productive morning at Fishtrap yesterday with different people coming and going. With an average of five people always sticking on labels, and much discussion on varied topics we managed to do a mailing of three thousand brochures before noon. I forgot to mention that we were also drinking coffee, tea and eating baked goods.
My afternoon was spent fixing dinner, scrabbling, some sorority stuff on the computer and late evening I swept and shoveled the inch or so of snow off the front and back walks and deck, so it wouldn't be frozen solid this morning. OWAV:)
Number one on my list today is to clean the front porch. I love this old house and its front porch, but when the wind blows, the porch seems to be a magnet for anything loose. Mostly leaves and other yard debris, plus cat hair from Nuisance, because this is where she comes to be fed. In winter, it sometimes resembles a pig sty. Not a good first impression for people coming to visit.
Number two will be to mix pie crust so it is ready to make into lemon pie tomorrow. I shared lemons with friend Janie, and she said yesterday that out of one monster lemon, that we brought from Arizona, she had enough to make one large, to die for, lemon pie. So using fresh eggs from Janie's chickens, and fresh lemons, we also will have lemon pie.
Number three is the dreaded bathroom! I swear that someday I'm going to have a cleaning lady just for that room. What is the saying, when faced with a bad job? "Turn up your sleeves instead of your nose". I think I will do both!!
We had a productive morning at Fishtrap yesterday with different people coming and going. With an average of five people always sticking on labels, and much discussion on varied topics we managed to do a mailing of three thousand brochures before noon. I forgot to mention that we were also drinking coffee, tea and eating baked goods.
My afternoon was spent fixing dinner, scrabbling, some sorority stuff on the computer and late evening I swept and shoveled the inch or so of snow off the front and back walks and deck, so it wouldn't be frozen solid this morning. OWAV:)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
OWAV:) 03/16/11, 5am, 30°, trace of snow
After one nice day, temperatures in the 50's, old man winter is back with a vengeance. I'm so thankful for our warm, cozy house and the wood stove that Herb keeps burning all winter. We are blessed in so many ways.
Major blessing is: Kids coming home for a few days to turn our world upside down, inside out, every which way. We all adjust to being in one house, one room for a few days. Noise, laughter, loud voices, whispers, maybe tears, excited dogs, hope it doesn't thunder. There will be games, puzzles, cooking, eating, endless talk, teasing, computering, sharing stories, soroptomists, rides with Rusty, baby goats, lambs, more laughter. Then all too soon spring break will be over for another year and Herb and I will return to our quiet world, just us two, with memories to last a lifetime. Enough "maudlin", on with the day.
Busy morning, Herb has a dental appointment, then errands in Enterprise. I am stuffing envelopes for a fishtrap mailing, then shopping for groceries to get us through the next week, at least. Fixing pork chops for our dinner, maybe do some cleaning and must call to see what the holdup is, on fixing our roof.
It was fun yesterday, back with my friends at write group, seemed like the talk centered around St Patricks Day. Several of our members are Irish, and grew up in NYC, so it was interesting to hear about the huge parades they attended as kids and how everyone became Irish for the day. To me it was always just a day, that if you didn't wear green you got pinched!! OWAV:)
Major blessing is: Kids coming home for a few days to turn our world upside down, inside out, every which way. We all adjust to being in one house, one room for a few days. Noise, laughter, loud voices, whispers, maybe tears, excited dogs, hope it doesn't thunder. There will be games, puzzles, cooking, eating, endless talk, teasing, computering, sharing stories, soroptomists, rides with Rusty, baby goats, lambs, more laughter. Then all too soon spring break will be over for another year and Herb and I will return to our quiet world, just us two, with memories to last a lifetime. Enough "maudlin", on with the day.
Busy morning, Herb has a dental appointment, then errands in Enterprise. I am stuffing envelopes for a fishtrap mailing, then shopping for groceries to get us through the next week, at least. Fixing pork chops for our dinner, maybe do some cleaning and must call to see what the holdup is, on fixing our roof.
It was fun yesterday, back with my friends at write group, seemed like the talk centered around St Patricks Day. Several of our members are Irish, and grew up in NYC, so it was interesting to hear about the huge parades they attended as kids and how everyone became Irish for the day. To me it was always just a day, that if you didn't wear green you got pinched!! OWAV:)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
OWAV:) 03/15/11, 6am, 38°, Breezy,
Up at 5am this morning, have scrabble games caught up and I'm playing with the time on my computer. It can't find the correct time zone, so has me at 7am Mountain daylight time instead of 6am Pacific daylight time. I have set a voice or sound to go off on the hour, so maybe I will realize how much time I'm spending on here.
We had a phone call last night from our new phone carrier, Frontier. They are offering specials deals to get people to bundle there services, such as phone, cell phone, internet, and television. Also touting the fastest DSL available in the county. Many people on my email list have already changed their service, but I'm still torn as I like EONI and the service they provide. The lady from Frontier could only save me $5.00 a month by bundling my phone and internet, she was a fast talker and was sure I would want the faster speed and only one billing, but I declined her offer, at this time.
Yesterday was a beautiful day here, the temperature got up to 53° on the north side of the house, so in the sun it was down right balmy. I sat on the front steps petting and talking to Nuisance, noticed a few purple blooms as the crocus are poking there heads through the frozen earth. Later in the day I wandered out to the garden and checked the garlic bed. Digging down one to two inches, I found the garlic is sprouting and will soon be showing green. I planted onion sets last fall and a few of them are poking their heads through. I debated about getting a lawn chair out to sit on the deck, but decided to wait. Looking at the weather map this morning it does not look promising for a sunny spring break. Oh well, kids will be home and we will have fun no matter what the weather.
I did get my suitcase unpacked yesterday and other stuff put away, paid bills, balanced the check book and looked at all the mail. We had toasted tuna sandwiches with cottage cheese and peaches for dinner, one of my easy standby dinners. Had a video chat with both kids at different times of the day.
It is still dark but I can hear a robin chirping outside the window, so maybe I better wrap this up and get busy. I am going to write group this morning, where it will be fun catching up on everything that has happened in the month that I've been gone. Tomorrow I'm going to Fishtrap House to help with the spring mailing where I will connect with more people and slowly get back into the swing of events in the county. Which reminds me I have to get a mailing out for the Eagle Cap Excursion Train, which starts it season with a Mother's day run in May. I will go grocery shopping tomorrow, while in Enterprise, then Thursday, I will get ready for kids and dogs to arrive on Friday. I know I will be making lemon pies and cooking corned beef but other than that, I look forward to spending time in the kitchen cooking with my kids or better yet, watching them do the cooking. OWAV:)
We had a phone call last night from our new phone carrier, Frontier. They are offering specials deals to get people to bundle there services, such as phone, cell phone, internet, and television. Also touting the fastest DSL available in the county. Many people on my email list have already changed their service, but I'm still torn as I like EONI and the service they provide. The lady from Frontier could only save me $5.00 a month by bundling my phone and internet, she was a fast talker and was sure I would want the faster speed and only one billing, but I declined her offer, at this time.
Yesterday was a beautiful day here, the temperature got up to 53° on the north side of the house, so in the sun it was down right balmy. I sat on the front steps petting and talking to Nuisance, noticed a few purple blooms as the crocus are poking there heads through the frozen earth. Later in the day I wandered out to the garden and checked the garlic bed. Digging down one to two inches, I found the garlic is sprouting and will soon be showing green. I planted onion sets last fall and a few of them are poking their heads through. I debated about getting a lawn chair out to sit on the deck, but decided to wait. Looking at the weather map this morning it does not look promising for a sunny spring break. Oh well, kids will be home and we will have fun no matter what the weather.
I did get my suitcase unpacked yesterday and other stuff put away, paid bills, balanced the check book and looked at all the mail. We had toasted tuna sandwiches with cottage cheese and peaches for dinner, one of my easy standby dinners. Had a video chat with both kids at different times of the day.
It is still dark but I can hear a robin chirping outside the window, so maybe I better wrap this up and get busy. I am going to write group this morning, where it will be fun catching up on everything that has happened in the month that I've been gone. Tomorrow I'm going to Fishtrap House to help with the spring mailing where I will connect with more people and slowly get back into the swing of events in the county. Which reminds me I have to get a mailing out for the Eagle Cap Excursion Train, which starts it season with a Mother's day run in May. I will go grocery shopping tomorrow, while in Enterprise, then Thursday, I will get ready for kids and dogs to arrive on Friday. I know I will be making lemon pies and cooking corned beef but other than that, I look forward to spending time in the kitchen cooking with my kids or better yet, watching them do the cooking. OWAV:)
Monday, March 14, 2011
OWAV:) 03/14/11, 32°, 8am pdt, partly cloudy
Good Morning! Aaaah to be home, the first thing I notice is the quiet. Only Rahns garbage truck rumbles by our house, but only on Monday morning. No eighteen wheelers, no Harleys, no cement trucks, no housekeeping carts thumping along the sidewalk as if they are missing a wheel. Later in the spring we awake to birds chirping, sounds of nature, not man made. How I treasure this silence.
Our trip home was uneventful, with good roads, good weather, decent food. We arrived home about 3pm as we left Wells Nevada at 5am. Stopped for about 2 hours in Boise, wandered around Sierra Trading to stretch our legs, had lunch, then headed for LaGrande and a stop at BiMart for our favorite wine as the kids will be here this coming Friday.
The only bad was an awful smelling motel room with a worn out bed, but it had wifi. Have stayed at this same place other years but it is definitely time, either for them to revamp or us to find a different motel. Only made our bed feel that much better last night. I think I slept the clock around. Herb for some reason has been up since 4:30 and now is "sighing and rattling around" as only he can do, and it is a sign for me to get moving because if he can't sit still neither am I supposed to. LOL
So our first day back home starts as we settle back into our groove. I have to think of something to fix for dinner, do I need to go to the store today or will it wait until tomorrow, unpack my suitcase and the stuff that belongs in the kitchen. Recheck the mail to see if any bill are pressing, etc, etc, etc! Looks like the sun is going to shine for awhile so I'm off to the shower then I will be prepared to tackle the day. OWAV:)
Our trip home was uneventful, with good roads, good weather, decent food. We arrived home about 3pm as we left Wells Nevada at 5am. Stopped for about 2 hours in Boise, wandered around Sierra Trading to stretch our legs, had lunch, then headed for LaGrande and a stop at BiMart for our favorite wine as the kids will be here this coming Friday.
The only bad was an awful smelling motel room with a worn out bed, but it had wifi. Have stayed at this same place other years but it is definitely time, either for them to revamp or us to find a different motel. Only made our bed feel that much better last night. I think I slept the clock around. Herb for some reason has been up since 4:30 and now is "sighing and rattling around" as only he can do, and it is a sign for me to get moving because if he can't sit still neither am I supposed to. LOL
So our first day back home starts as we settle back into our groove. I have to think of something to fix for dinner, do I need to go to the store today or will it wait until tomorrow, unpack my suitcase and the stuff that belongs in the kitchen. Recheck the mail to see if any bill are pressing, etc, etc, etc! Looks like the sun is going to shine for awhile so I'm off to the shower then I will be prepared to tackle the day. OWAV:)
Friday, March 11, 2011
OWAV:) 03/11/11, 6am, 50°, clear/breezy
Last Ballgame 03/10/11 |
Yesterday we had a lazy morning, finished up the bacon and eggs for breakfast, checked internet and scrabble, left for the ballgame about 11am. We ask for aisle seats in the shaded area. We were in the upper stands, with a full view of the stadium, have decided that we are better off to wait and get tickets after we get to Phoenix, then we know what the weather is going to be and have a good chance of still getting good seats. Especially since we know we can play musical chairs. Again we see a good ballgame, this time between the Mariners and the Angels. The Mariners win 10 - 6. We see two single home runs and a grand slam home run. Herb is sort of a Mariners fan so he is happy with the outcome. I just enjoy the atmosphere and watching the people. People in all colors, shapes, and sizes, dressed in lots of clothing, very little clothing and many women with full makeup, jewelry and shoes that look impossible to walk in. About mid-way through the game we split a beer. As we leave the stadium seats, I think it dawns on both of us that we don't have a clue as to where we parked the car. Herb thinks it is straight out from the main gate, I think it is toward the main street a little more. Usually when we get out of the car he looks around and says, we are at section ???. Yesterday as we got out of the car, a golf cart pulled up and we hopped on for a ride to the main gate, not even thinking about where we were. With a sea of cars before us he starts his way and I mine, looking for our Subaru. I think to myself, guess Herb could hit the panic button on the door opener or we could sit on the curb and wait for 3000 cars to leave then it would be easier to pick out our car. About that time I spot the car, getting close enough to make sure it has an Oregon license plate, then yell, "Herb, it is over here." Luckily he is not too far from me and no one else around is named Herb!!
We arrive at the pizza place we have chosen. Famous Rays New York style Pizza. They have two sizes medium and large, so we order a medium which has six slices. Herb orders beer and I a small pepsi. As we wait we watch the workers pounding the dough then stretching and tossing it to make it fit the pans. Big pans!! They deliver our pizza and it is big enough to feed six people. Guess we will be eating pizza all the way to Oregon!! We are hungry and eat half of it knowing we are going to pay for eating all this food this late in the day. The choices we make.
Herb dropped me at the grocery store to buy some water and a loaf of bread while he went to fill the gas tank. It was almost 6pm when we arrived at our condo, so no swimming pool, just scrabble, and reading until an early bedtime. Will sign off now and probably won't do another blog until we get home. Hope you have enjoyed our vacation as much as we have. Love to all. OWAV:) PS. Just heard the news of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, how horrible.
PSS: Just finished a 2 hour swim and sun, water is lovely and the sun dries you right off. Just found out that they use a saline solution in the pool and no chlorine. Not sure how that works but sure is nice not to come out of the pool with your suit three shades lighter than it was before you went in. That reminds me I just started reading the book "Salt", bound to be inter-esting as it is a history of the world and salt. Salt is the only rock we eat and would die without it. Another bit of trivia, as everyone outside of Arizona knows we start on daylight savings time this weekend (Arizona doesn't). It will work to our advantage because when we get home we will already be on daylight savings and won't have to adjust one way or the other. Guess I've bored everyone long enough so bye again, stay safe. OWAV:)
03/11/11 at Cibola Vista |
PSS: Just finished a 2 hour swim and sun, water is lovely and the sun dries you right off. Just found out that they use a saline solution in the pool and no chlorine. Not sure how that works but sure is nice not to come out of the pool with your suit three shades lighter than it was before you went in. That reminds me I just started reading the book "Salt", bound to be inter-esting as it is a history of the world and salt. Salt is the only rock we eat and would die without it. Another bit of trivia, as everyone outside of Arizona knows we start on daylight savings time this weekend (Arizona doesn't). It will work to our advantage because when we get home we will already be on daylight savings and won't have to adjust one way or the other. Guess I've bored everyone long enough so bye again, stay safe. OWAV:)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
OWAV:) 03/10/11, 6am, 45°, clear/breezy
Temperature reached 80° yesterday, still cool in the mornings and breezy, but afternoon was a beautiful day at the pool. They have two pools here, one the adult pool with hot tub and the other, larger pool is called the lagoon pool and includes a slide. One end of the lagoon pool has a lap pool and at the other end is a "wade in" shallow area for the little tots. The maximum depth is four feet, the water is heated. Young and old alike have fun on the slide. When they first started building this resort about seven years ago, the vision was to have a meandering river with small pools in it for swimming but soon realized that was not going to appeal to very many people, thus they changed the "river" to the lagoon pool and added the slide to attract young families. Seems to be working for them. No, I haven't gone on the slide.
Yesterday morning I had Herb bring the "grocery bags" up from the car so I could start packing up the kitchen stuff we have accumulated and won't be using in the next few days. The refrigerator is almost bare, only enough for a couple of breakfasts and a steak for dinner tomorrow. Today we will have a late breakfast, go to the ballgame, and instead of hotdogs, will go out for pizza after the game. I think we will be looking for shade at the ballpark today, then back to the condo for a swim. Todays high is 85°. I'm off to do scrabble and post this in my blog. OWAV:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
OWAV:) 03/09/11, 6am, 45°, clear
Yesterday we went to Peoria Stadium, where we watched the Seattle Mariners and the San Francisco Giants. The Mariners won 1- 0 beating the Giants, who were the winners of the World Series last year. There were over 6000 fans at this game, compared to 3000 at the game last week, with seats filled evenly on both sides of the stadium. Herb and I don't really care where we sit, mostly try to judge whether it is going to to warm, cold, windy, hot or sunny. The day was cool and breezy, so finding we were too cool, we just kept moving around the stadium, either cooling off or warming up. There are four different seating prices and some people buy the cheapest $6.00 lawn seats then move into the stands when they see that all of the seats aren't going to be filled. So it is kind of like musical chairs as people take a seat, then have to move because the real owner shows up to claim the seat. Everyone seems to work the system and no one seems to mind. That was pretty much the excitement for the day, with a beer brot and beer for our dinner. What a diet.
Don't have any plans for today, it is supposed to be warm so will sit poolside and go for a swim. See one last ballgame on Thursday, do laundry and pack the car on Friday, and start for home on Saturday. We know it is cold and snowy in Joseph, but will as alway, be glad to get home. Love to all, OWAV:)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
OWAV:) 03/08/11, 7am, 45°, Breezy/cloudy
After doing scrabble and email, back at the condo I brown hamburger, add onions, celery and garlic to cook, for a pasta casserole. I put pasta on to cook and add tomato sauce and basil to the burger mixture. Then I layer all of this with cheese and sour cream so it is ready to go into the oven for our dinner.
Yesterdays temperature was over 70° but a cold wind blew all day. In the morning we went for a ride hoping for pool time in the afternoon. Lake Pleasant Park is near here, so we headed north, looking for a view. It seems that it is a fee only park, even to see the lake. Every road we took came to a toll booth. Not really expensive just irritating that you have to pay to look at a lake!! From one point we were able to see, in the far distance, an arm of Lake Pleasant. Along the way we saw burro's, ginny fowl, and coyote's, but no jackrabbits. Hmmmm. The countryside is far from flat, which is how I think of a desert. The mountains aren't very high but we drove through one range of mountains after another as we explored the area. The saguaro cactus standing tall and proud. The last road we took, "New River Road", looped around farther north where it came into 17 and then back to Carefree Hyw. and Cibola Vista. We never did see a river only a housing development, named "New River".
I put the pasta casserole in a slow oven and we take our books and go to the pool. Very few people are there and it is windy. We sit and read for awhile but soon more clouds roll in and we abandon our poolside chairs, for the condo deck. The condo is inviting, not only is it warm but it smells like spaghetti. I make a salad and we eat our dinner.
Later in the afternoon we connect with Bobi and Rusty together on ichat. Haven't been able to have a three-way chat for sometime so that was fun. Bobi, Cienna and Rusty will all be home for spring break. Rusty said it had been snowing in Joseph and Bob said Portland is soggy as usual.
The rest of the day was spent reading and we have plans to go to a ballgame today. OWAV:)
Monday, March 7, 2011
OWAV:) 03/07/11, 7am, 45°, Breezy/cloudy
I've been sitting her for an hour playing solitaire, drinking coffee, trying to conjure up thoughts to put on paper. Here goes. Yesterday after the laundry was finished, we decided to do a Costco run while here in Phoenix, thus saving us a trip to Clarkson in April, maybe. April is a wonderful time to go to Lewiston, with the dogwoods, tulips, daffodils blooming and green hills all around.
At Costco we wander all of the aisles, picking up only a few necessities. It is too early for all of the demonstrations to have started so we start for the checkout stand, but decide on one more stop. We have been looking for a new kitchen sink faucet for a couple of years now but every time Herb gets me into a Home Depot my eyes glaze over after about ten minutes and my mind shuts down. Way too many choices for me. Costco has only two choices, I like one of them, only it looks like it is so big that it may take over our small kitchen. We decide to take it anyway, because after all you can return anything to Costco, even after you have used it, RIGHT. I'm sure Herb is going to remove it from the sink after he has it installed. Already he is wishing that Rusty was going to be there when we get home to install it. ME TOO! Stayed tuned for another "installment".
We make a brief stop at Walmart for a new kind of eyedrops that I've been using since in this dry climate, they really seem to help. Sunday papers are on the newsstand so I put one in my cart. We read the Sunday paper on a regular basis for forty years, then suddenly they stopped delivery to Wallowa County. We went through withdrawals for sometime but finally adapted and now don't even think about it unless we see one. Back at the condo, we sit on the patio and wade our way through the paper, sorting out all the ads and coupons. Most of it seems like a waste of paper and ink and it doesn't take us long to finish, even the funnies aren't funny anymore. Am I getting old or what?
We take our books, and laptop, check email and scrabble at the registration deck, then sit poolside and read. Then it is back to the condo where Herb BBQ's a steak and we add salads for another "inexpensive" gourmet dinner.
I talked to Jamie, in reception, and ask how the baby jackrabbits were doing? She said that she took them to the animal rescue where they were very happy to find a feeding apparatus similar to there mom, because they didn't want anything to do with the eyedropper that she tried to feed them with. It is hard for me to believe that they are rescuing jackrabbits. OWAV:)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
OWAV:) 03/06/11, 6am, 45°, Breezy
We started out looking for yard sale signs about 8am, had skipped breakfast, because Herbs stomach still wasn't feeling very good. Our plan was to watch for signs and lemon trees. So we go to the major boulevards and then into the small cities or housing developments. We stop at many sales and at each one ask if they have a lemon tree, but no lemons, just oranges and grapefruit. We see many lemon trees, but I'm not brave enough to knock on just anyones door and ask if we can buy lemons from them. We do see bags of grapefruit sitting on curbs free for the taking but no lemons. I start thinking that I'm going to have to try making a different kind of pie. It is a good thing that Herb has an internal homing device, if it was up to me I would be lost in a cul de sac going in circles for the rest of the day. We don't find anything great and by 10am we are both ready to find a bathroom. We spot a community fair and we are in luck, they have bathrooms. We browse their sale, then start looking for a way out of the parking lot, when Herb spots some huge cardboard containers in the far corner. As we cruise passed the containers, we see that they are full of grapefruit and on of them it says LEMONS. This is a community drop for anyone who has fruit to share, they can bring it here for other people to help themselves. We fill a sack with the biggest lemons I have ever seen and start back to our condo. The sack immediately tips over and lemons are rolling everywhere in the back of the car. The fragrance is wonderful and we may have lemonade instead of pie! We stop at the grocery store for milk and bottled water to last the rest of the week and at last it is nearly noon and we are "home".
I season a lamb roast, put it in the oven, fix potatoes and boil eggs for a salad. Herbs decides to take a much needed nap and I do scrabble and email. We eat dinner after 3pm, then sit on our patio in the warm for the rest of the day, reading our books. We talk to both of the kids on ichat, Rusty is in Joseph. It is hard not to envy him sitting in my recliner, relaxing. Well maybe not? He says his truck with trailer is stuck in the backyard because of the melting snow, will get it unstuck in the morning. Bobi and Cienna are doing their usual Saturday stuff in soggy Portland.
Herb is watching weather reports for next week, deciding on our route home. Time in the sun is getting short. Laundry is on the agenda for today, think we will have a steak for dinner. OWAV:)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
OWAV:) 03/05/11, 6am, 45°, Breezy
Yesterday we left about 9am for the University of Phoenix Stadium, home of the Arizona Cardinals football team. We are going to a "Home and Garden Show". It was easy to get to and we had tickets for the Senior Citizen special at $1.00 each, if we got there before noon. Parking is free and lots of it, at this time of day we park close to gate 2, our entrance. We join the throng of people waiting to get in. This complex is huge, It is a covered dome that can be opened up and a real grass field that can be rolled out when other events are scheduled there, such as this home and garden show. We took the escalator down two floors, to what was the playing field minus the grass. So imagine vendor booths set up to fill this space. We saw more roofing, tile, slate, doors, windows, cutlery, cookware, and numerous other things, than one usually sees in a lifetime. We got stuck watching a "waterless cookware" demo and spent more time than planned (at least we were sitting down). There were very few garden vendors, so didn't see the flower displays, I was anticipating. Anyway it was fun, interesting, crazy????? I spent more time looking at the stadium, with its many rows of bleachers, and its foldable roof, trying to imagine how it all worked. Stopped at one yard sale on the way back to the condo.
Back at the condo, I fix a quick pan of "sheepherder potatoes" and Herb grilled up a burger, for our dinner. Catch up on scrabble, email, sit by the pool and on our patio. Go to the ice cream social, put on by the resort. It was billed as free but then found there might be a charge, but the ice cream "vendor" had spilled the ice cream out of his truck onto the street so they ended up treating us to ice cream specialties, from the little market at the front office. Not much of a social but we did talk to a Canadian couple, who said it was -40° when they left home. Joseph is sounding better everyday.
We start our last week of sunshine today. Will go yard saling today, hope we find some lemons. We have one maybe two ballgames planned for this week. Otherwise it is just sun, sun sun. OWAW:)
Friday, March 4, 2011
OWAV:) 03/04/11, 6am, 45°, Clear
Yesterday is what Arizona is famous for; ball games, sunshine, dry heat with a slight breeze, 75-80°. The morning was spent with the usual catching up with email and scrabble. We also pored over maps, checked the internet etc, for directions to the newest ballpark. It is back in the same vicinity as the Gardens and the Zoo. We have to decide whether we want to make that trip again, just to see the "new" ballpark or go to a different one near here. (Ballparks are pretty much the same, so think we will stay on the west side.) We already have tickets for a ballgame today and will do another one next week.
Back at the condo, it feels good to get in out of the sun, (I hate saying that). We do the usual and plan tomorrow's trip to a "home and garden show" at the University pavilion just south of us. Herb says he is going to drop me off there and then go to Cabelas, doubt if he will but then one never knows. OWAV:)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
OWAV:) 03/03/11, 6am, 45°, Clear
It is a little bit early for the desert flowers to be blooming, especially since last week was cold with little sun. Of course the trade-off is that things are a little greener and alive looking. The many shades of green are also apparent as we walk through the different areas.

We are soon on our way and since we are in the area we have decided to visit the Phoenix Zoo. We arrive at noon, so to rest after walking for two hours, we sit and eat a very over-priced hotdog and split a coke. I spot a "train" full of people and see it as an easy way to see most of the animals, rather than walking and fighting the crowds. We take the thirty minute tour, knowing that most of the animals are going to be shaded up for the day. We saw giraffes, antelope, ostrich, watusi cattle, lions, tigers, rhino, toucan, baboons, elephants, camels, anteaters, meerkats, cheetahs, flamingoes, and tortoises. Decided that was enough for one day and headed "home".
We quickly change into swimsuits and head for the pool, after a nice swim and sunbathing for a couple of hours, I catch up on email and scrabble. When I get back to the condo, Herb has popcorn fixed for our "supper".
A ballgame is on the agenda for today. More later. OWAV:)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
OWAV:) 03/02/11, 6am, 45°, Clear
Mornin all!! Went to the new Peoria library yesterday morning and perused the used book shelves, provided by "friends of the library". Books are priced at fifty cents to two dollars, with a donation box for the money. It is a beautiful sun-lit building, the roof is mostly glass.
Spent a leisurely time yesterday, sitting in the sun, poolside. We watched a family with four little ones play on the slide. What fun they had and their energy is amazing. They never stopped running, ever up the steep stairs to the top of the slide for another trip down, with a splash into the water at the end, around and around they went. It reminds me of Cienna and her love for the water. I think she was born a fish, with a human body. She has loved the water since before she could walk, and I have always been amazed at her comfort level in and around the water.
We had deer steak, mashed potatoes and salad for dinner and finished off the lemon cake last evening. I caught up my scrabble games and did a video chat with Bobi. Lots of rain in Portland.
I had taken some of the lemon cake to the people (workers) at the reception desk, yesterday. Have made friends with Jamie, in particular, and Lacy, Malachi, Virginia and E Chin. Their job, keeping customers happy, is very intense and demanding at times. Phones constantly ringing, customers arriving and or checking out, they are listening to the phone, working on the computer and talking all at the same time.
Yesterday, when I walked in Jamie had something to show me. Nestled in a five gallon bucket were five baby jack rabbits, eyes open, I would guess about four weeks old. The nest was found in a horse trailer, "In a pile of do-do Jamie said," over by the corrals. (They have pony rides, horseback riding and lessons offered here at the resort). The horse trailer was going to be moved, so the cowboy brought the babies into Jamie, who would take them home to feed with an eye dropper until she could take them to animal rescue. In my mind I questioned this process. Would it be better to move the nest out of the trailer but leave it in the vicinity for the Mom to maybe find the babies? I don't know, nor do I know their chance of survival now. Anyway Jamie has an eleven month old baby at home and is an extremely kind and caring person, so I will keep you posted on the "rabbit saga".
We had headed for the Arizona Desert Botanical Gardens this morning, more later. OWAV:)
I'm in the office right now visiting with people from Minnesota and Canada, it is -40 in Canada and Minnesota has four feet of snow. These people are headed for the Grand Canyon this morning on a tour, think they will have fun.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
OWAV:) 03/01/11, 50° Breezy
Cold breeze again this morning, but will warm up to the mid seventies by afternoon. Seems like we have a lull right now, have been waiting for warmer weather and now it is here, not sure what to do. Guess we will spend some time in the sun and maybe try the pool today. Want to make plans to go to the Desert Botanical Gardens and we have a ballgame on Thursday.
Words are not coming easy this morning, so will just send our love to each and everyone and hope your day is a good one. OWAV:)
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