I've been sitting her for an hour playing solitaire, drinking coffee, trying to conjure up thoughts to put on paper. Here goes. Yesterday after the laundry was finished, we decided to do a Costco run while here in Phoenix, thus saving us a trip to Clarkson in April, maybe. April is a wonderful time to go to Lewiston, with the dogwoods, tulips, daffodils blooming and green hills all around.
At Costco we wander all of the aisles, picking up only a few necessities. It is too early for all of the demonstrations to have started so we start for the checkout stand, but decide on one more stop. We have been looking for a new kitchen sink faucet for a couple of years now but every time Herb gets me into a Home Depot my eyes glaze over after about ten minutes and my mind shuts down. Way too many choices for me. Costco has only two choices, I like one of them, only it looks like it is so big that it may take over our small kitchen. We decide to take it anyway, because after all you can return anything to Costco, even after you have used it, RIGHT. I'm sure Herb is going to remove it from the sink after he has it installed. Already he is wishing that Rusty was going to be there when we get home to install it. ME TOO! Stayed tuned for another "installment".
We make a brief stop at Walmart for a new kind of eyedrops that I've been using since in this dry climate, they really seem to help. Sunday papers are on the newsstand so I put one in my cart. We read the Sunday paper on a regular basis for forty years, then suddenly they stopped delivery to Wallowa County. We went through withdrawals for sometime but finally adapted and now don't even think about it unless we see one. Back at the condo, we sit on the patio and wade our way through the paper, sorting out all the ads and coupons. Most of it seems like a waste of paper and ink and it doesn't take us long to finish, even the funnies aren't funny anymore. Am I getting old or what?
We take our books, and laptop, check email and scrabble at the registration deck, then sit poolside and read. Then it is back to the condo where Herb BBQ's a steak and we add salads for another "inexpensive" gourmet dinner.
I talked to Jamie, in reception, and ask how the baby jackrabbits were doing? She said that she took them to the animal rescue where they were very happy to find a feeding apparatus similar to there mom, because they didn't want anything to do with the eyedropper that she tried to feed them with. It is hard for me to believe that they are rescuing jackrabbits. OWAV:)
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