Monday, March 21, 2011

OWAV:) 03/21/11, 5am, 33°, Rainy, icy

I Crashed early last night, while Bobi and Cienna were watching "The Amazing Race". 

Sunrise over Joseph
Yesterday we awoke to a brilliant sunrise, after a night illuminated by the full moon.  In the morning Bobi and I boned and cut beef roasts that are tough, so we can put them in jars this morning and pressure cook them.  Bob will be able to make easy, quick meal using the meat and it won't take so much chewing.  I fixed a leg of lamb, stuffing it with garlic pieces, to go into the oven for dinner and Bobi peeled potatoes to cook and mash.  Bobi, Cienna and I planned to go to the play "The Miracle Worker" in Lostine so we wanted everything to be cooked when we get home.  Things were almost cooked when we got home, Bob made the gravy, Herb mashed potatoes and set the table, and Rusty carved the roast.  lamb is one of our favorite meals and I always plan it, when the kids are home.

During the day, we enjoyed such activities as scrabble, both on the computer and the board game played on the coffee table in the living room, card games and reading.  Cienna also has to work on homework for school next week.  I mentioned before that Bobi found a computer game "Angry Birds" and now has Rusty hooked on it as well as herself, and Cienna.  We all spend way too much time looking at a computer screen.  Rusty did cook ribs on the BBQ for another day, as he and John plan to go snowmobiling.

Well I must get a move on and help Herb set everything up for the canning process.  Rusty will help with the heavy lifting and Bobi will soon be up so we can stuff jars and start the pressure cooker.  Leftovers are in the offering for dinner tonight, no heavy cooking, just heat and eat.  So goes life in Joseph, when the kids are here.  OWAV:)

PS. The play was very intense, played to a full house, and the local actors did a great job. We enjoyed it, as well as the hot chocolate and cupcakes at intermission.  Again I feel very blessed with the family I have.

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