Friday, March 11, 2011

OWAV:) 03/11/11, 6am, 50°, clear/breezy

Last Ballgame 03/10/11
The last day has arrived, clear, breezy morning and an expected high maybe to 90°.  Perfect, we will finish packing and load the car this morning except for our overnight bags, cold carrier and coffee cups.  We will leave early in the morning headed for Flagstaff, a corner of SW Utah, into Nevada, Jackpot and Twin Falls, then freeway to LaGrande.   If the weather is good and no other problems we can make it in two days.   Herb has decided to go that way since the weather looks fairly clear.  

Yesterday we had a lazy morning, finished up the bacon and eggs for breakfast, checked internet and scrabble, left for the ballgame about 11am.  We ask for aisle seats in the shaded area.  We were in the upper stands, with a full view of the stadium, have decided that we are better off to wait and get tickets after we get to Phoenix, then we know what the weather is going to be and have a good chance of still getting good seats. Especially since we know we can play musical chairs.  Again we see a good ballgame, this time between the Mariners and the Angels.  The Mariners win 10 - 6.  We see two single home runs and a grand slam home run.  Herb is sort of a Mariners fan so he is happy with the outcome.  I just enjoy the atmosphere and watching the people.  People in all colors, shapes, and sizes, dressed in lots of clothing, very little clothing and many women with full makeup, jewelry and shoes that look impossible to walk in.  About mid-way through the game we split a beer.  As we leave the stadium seats, I think it dawns on both of us that we don't have a clue as to where we parked the car.  Herb thinks it is straight out from the main gate, I think it is toward the main street a little more.  Usually when we get out of the car he looks around and says, we are at section ???.   Yesterday as we got out of the car, a golf cart pulled up and we hopped on for a ride to the main gate, not even thinking about where we were.  With a sea of cars before us he starts his way and I mine, looking for our Subaru.  I think to myself,  guess Herb could hit the panic button on the door opener or we could sit on the curb and wait for 3000 cars to leave then it would be easier to pick out our car.  About that time I spot the car, getting close enough to make sure it has an Oregon license plate, then yell, "Herb, it is over here."   Luckily he is not too far from me and no one else around is named Herb!!

We arrive at the pizza place we have chosen.  Famous Rays New York style Pizza.  They have two sizes medium and large, so we order a medium which has six slices.  Herb orders beer and I a small pepsi.  As we wait we watch the workers pounding the dough then stretching and tossing it to make it fit the pans.  Big pans!!  They deliver our pizza and it is big enough to feed six people.  Guess we will be eating pizza all the way to Oregon!!  We are hungry and eat half of it knowing we are going to pay for eating all this food this late in the day.  The choices we make.

Herb dropped me at the grocery store to buy some water and a loaf of bread while he went to fill the gas tank.  It was almost 6pm when we arrived at our condo, so no swimming pool, just scrabble, and reading until an early bedtime.  Will sign off now and probably won't do another blog until we get home.  Hope you have enjoyed our vacation as much as we have.  Love to all.  OWAV:)  PS. Just heard the news of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, how horrible.

03/11/11 at Cibola Vista
PSS:  Just finished a 2 hour swim and sun, water is lovely and the sun dries you right off.  Just found out that they use a saline solution in the pool and no chlorine.  Not sure how that works but sure is nice not to come out of the pool with your suit three shades lighter than it was before you went in.   That reminds me I just started reading the book "Salt", bound to be inter-esting as it is a history of the world and salt.  Salt is the only rock we eat and would die without it. Another bit of trivia, as everyone outside of Arizona knows we start on daylight savings time this weekend (Arizona doesn't).  It will work to our advantage because when we get home we will already be on daylight savings and won't have to adjust one way or the other.  Guess I've bored everyone long enough so bye again, stay safe.  OWAV:)

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