Thursday, March 31, 2011

OWAV:) 3/31/11, 4am, 38°, breezy

Yesterday I finished up the FOJB mailing, then worked on the computer most of the day.  I have a rough draft of both the invitation and program for my sororities Founders Day.  Now I can concentrate on my weeklong writing retreat in Imnaha.  I must gather some of my stories, that I have written and had edited by my friend Kathy so I can make the corrections on the saved copies in my computer, while in Imnaha.  Plus I have to start packing and figuring out food for a week of meals.  No running to the store for last minute supplies.

I didn't go to bed last night until nearly 10pm, but awoke before 4am ready to rise and shine. Well rise anyway.  Herb had brought the Chieftain home last night when he came home from his Wednesday night bowling league, so in the wee hours of the morning, I read it thoroughly.  I could write about the weekly newspaper but think I will start with Herb's bowling instead.

Herb has bowled since before we met.  First in McCall, Idaho where he set pins to pay for his bowling, then on a league at the University of Idaho, when he was in forestry school.  He continued on a league while we lived in New Meadows, Idaho, bowling weekly in nearby McCall.  No, he didn't set pins this time, but bowled in a new bowling alley, that had automatic pin setters.  For a couple of years I joined him on Sunday nights and we bowled on a mixed doubles league.  Herb always joined in on the local tournaments and usually did well, he didn't carry a high average, but he was a consistent bowler and several times he was in the money at tournaments, where he often bowled above his average.  Then we moved to Duchesne, Utah and the nearest bowling alley was sixty miles away in Vernal, Utah, so he took a seven year vacation.  We moved to Joseph, Oregon in 1973, with a small bowling alley on main street, he again took up the sport.  So for the past thirty eight years, every week, during the winter months, Herb has spent one or two nights, at the bowling alley.  Again, I joined him for a few years on a Sunday mixed league and I also bowled, for a few years, on a Monday night, women's league.  It is a great way to meet new people and to help pass the long winters.   The best benefit of Herb's bowling for me was a night when I could meet with friends for dinner or just an evening alone with my own projects.

Also for many years Herb bowled in the "Banana Belt Tournament" in Lewiston, Idaho.  Along with his team he bowled in all of the events;  singles, doubles, and team and sometimes we bowled mixed doubles.  Some years they actually got in the money and almost paid for our mini vacation.  I loved this yearly outing and Lewiston in the springtime.  Leaving Joseph, for Lewiston on a Friday, after work, we would spend the entire weekend, he at the bowling alley me shopping and enjoying the spring weather.  Lewiston is delightful in the spring, as it is close to sea level and everything grows and blooms there.  Depending on the weekend in April or May, we would be treated to bulbs of all kinds, blooming along with the early shrubs and trees, dogwoods in particular.  On a May trip the roses would be in bloom, an incredible sight, after a long Joseph winter.  Sometimes we stayed in motels, sometimes in our RV.  Many times we then got together, with the other couples for a dinner out, or in the RV park we did a BBQ and potluck for a fun evening with friends.  They no longer have the "Banana Belt Tournament" but I usually think of a reason to go to Lewiston for at least a day in April or May, even if it is only to go shopping at Costco.  Herb says this is his last year as a full-time bowler and maybe he will sign up as a substitute, and can then bowl only when he wants to.  So in thinking back Herb's bowling has added another dimension to our life, one I have enjoyed as much as he.

It is a good thing Jerry has decided to finish up our scrabble games, or I wouldn't have had any to play this morning.  OWAV:)


  1. You didn't finish them last night, so how could I play them until this morning?

  2. I couldn't because it was slow loading, which meant it didn't load at all. Actually I think I did them just before I went to bed at 10pm. No worries one way or the other.
