Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OWAV:) 03/15/11, 6am, 38°, Breezy,

Up at 5am this morning, have scrabble games caught up and I'm playing with the time on my computer.  It can't find the correct time zone, so has me at 7am Mountain daylight time instead of 6am Pacific daylight time.  I have set a voice or sound to go off on the hour, so maybe I will realize how much time I'm spending on here.

We had a phone call last night from our new phone carrier, Frontier.  They are offering specials deals to get people to bundle there services, such as phone, cell phone, internet, and television.  Also touting the fastest DSL available in the county.  Many people on my email list have already changed their service, but I'm still torn as I like EONI and the service they provide.  The lady from Frontier could only save me $5.00 a month by bundling my phone and internet, she was a fast talker and was sure I would want the faster speed and only one billing, but I declined her offer, at this time.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here, the temperature got up to 53° on the north side of the house, so in the sun it was down right balmy.  I sat on the front steps petting and talking to Nuisance, noticed a few purple blooms as the crocus are poking there heads through the frozen earth.  Later in the day I wandered out to the garden and checked the garlic bed.  Digging down one to two inches, I found the garlic is sprouting and will soon be showing green.  I planted onion sets last fall and a few of them are poking their heads through.  I debated about getting a lawn chair out to sit on the deck, but decided to wait.  Looking at the weather map this morning it does not look promising for a sunny spring break.  Oh well, kids will be home and we will have fun no matter what the weather.

I did get my suitcase unpacked yesterday and other stuff put away, paid bills, balanced the check book and looked at all the mail.  We had toasted tuna sandwiches with cottage cheese and peaches for dinner, one of my easy standby dinners.  Had a video chat with both kids at different times of the day.

It is still dark but I can hear a robin chirping outside the window, so maybe I better wrap this up and get busy.  I am going to write group this morning, where it will be fun catching up on everything that has happened in the month that I've been gone.  Tomorrow I'm going to Fishtrap House to help with the spring mailing where I will connect with more people and slowly get back into the swing of events in the county.  Which reminds me I have to get a mailing out for the Eagle Cap Excursion Train, which starts it season with a Mother's day run in May.  I will go grocery shopping tomorrow, while in Enterprise, then Thursday, I will get ready for kids and dogs to arrive on Friday.  I know I will be making lemon pies and cooking corned beef but other than that, I look forward to spending time in the kitchen cooking with my kids or better yet, watching them do the cooking.  OWAV:)

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